Tanya: Approbations – video

Loading the player… Approbations Concerning the approbations of the tzaddikim, Rabbi Yehudah Leib HaKohen1 and Rabbi Zusya,2 the previous Rebbe3 cites a tradition originating with the Mitteler Rebbe, the son of the author of the Tanya, as follows. For twenty years the Alter Rebbe wrote the Tanya, revising, adding and deleting,4 critically examining every word […]

Tanya: Chapter 01 – Part 1 – video

Loading the player… תניא בסוף פרק ג׳ דנדה: משביעים אותו We have learned (Niddah, end of ch. 3):1 “An oath is administered to him: Before a Jew is born an oath is administered to him in heaven, charging him: תהי צדיק ואל תהי רשע, ואפילו כל העולם כולו אומרים לך צדיק אתה היה בעיניך כרשע […]