Loading the player… אך העולם הזה השפל, עם החיות שבתוכו This lowly world, however, with the life-force that is found within it, קטן מהכיל ולסבול אור וחיות מבחינת צורת האותיות ופנימיותן is too small to contain and endure the light and life-force that proceed from the “form” and “inwardness” of the letters; להאיר ולהשפיע בו […]
Tanya part 4 Epistle 05
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 05 – Part 6 – video
Loading the player… אך העולם הזה השפל, עם החיות שבתוכו This lowly world, however, with the life-force that is found within it, קטן מהכיל ולסבול אור וחיות מבחינת צורת האותיות ופנימיותן is too small to contain and endure the light and life-force that proceed from the “form” and “inwardness” of the letters; להאיר ולהשפיע בו […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 05 – Part 7 – audio
Loading the player… אך אחר בריאת האדם לעבדה כו׳ But after the creation of man “to work it,”53 his life-long task being to draw down to this world a flow of Divine energy by means of an “arousal from below,” i.e., by means of his own spiritual labors, אזי כל אתערותא דלעילא, לעורר מדת חסד […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 05 – Part 7 – video
Loading the player… אך אחר בריאת האדם לעבדה כו׳ But after the creation of man “to work it,”53 his life-long task being to draw down to this world a flow of Divine energy by means of an “arousal from below,” i.e., by means of his own spiritual labors, אזי כל אתערותא דלעילא, לעורר מדת חסד […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 05 – Part 8 – audio
Loading the player… וזה שכתוב: אל יתהלל חכם בחכמתו גו׳, כי אם בזאת יתהלל גו׳, כי אני ה׳ עושה חסד גו׳ And this is the meaning of the verse,62 “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, but in this let him glory — [in understanding and knowing Me,”63 but in such a manner […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 05 – Part 8 – video
Loading the player… וזה שכתוב: אל יתהלל חכם בחכמתו גו׳, כי אם בזאת יתהלל גו׳, כי אני ה׳ עושה חסד גו׳ And this is the meaning of the verse,62 “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, but in this let him glory — [in understanding and knowing Me,”63 but in such a manner […]