The Epistle on Repentance: Chapter 10 – Part 1 – video


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The Epistle on Repentance: Chapter 09 – Part 4 – audio
The Epistle on Repentance: Chapter 10 – Part 1- audio

The theme of the previous chapter was teshuvah ila’ah and how it finds expression in the “cleaving of spirit to Spirit” — through Torah study, tzedakah and acts of lovingkindness.

והנה תשובה עילאה זו, דאתדבקותא דרוחא ברוחא על ידי תורה וגמילות חסדים

This higher level of teshuvah, the cleaving of spirit to Spirit through the study of Torah and the performance of acts of kindness,

היא בבחינת המשכה מלמעלה למטה

is a matter of eliciting from Above.

Neither Torah study nor acts of lovingkindness elevate a person solely as a result of his own initiative and Divine service. Rather, he is aided from Above to reach an infinitely higher level than he would have attained alone.

להיות דבר ה’ ממש בפיו

So that the word of G‑d shall actually be in one’s mouth,

this too is a Divine gift.

וכמו שכתוב: ואשים דברי בפיך

As Scripture states,1 “I have placed My words in your mouth.”

Torah study thus accomplishes much more than what man could attain on its own.


וימינו תחבקני, בגמילות חסדים

“His right hand embraces me,” through man’s acts of kindness,

דחסד דרועא ימינא וכו’

for3 “kindness is the [Supernal] right arm….”

With every act of lovingkindness one draws down Divine benevolence: one is embraced by a far loftier level of holiness than he could possibly aspire to by dint of his own spiritual service.

אבל אדם התחתון צריך לילך ממדרגה למדרגה ממטה למעלה

But mortal man must ascend from stage to stage

היא בחינת תשובה עילאה ואתדבקות רוחא ברוחא בכוונת הלב בתפלה

towards this higher level of teshuvah and this “cleaving of spirit to Spirit” through the heart’s devoted worship,

ובפרט בקריאת שמע וברכותיה

particularly during Shema and its blessings,

כדי לומר ואהבת וגו’ בכל לבבך ובכל נפשך וגו’ באמת לאמיתו

so that he might in perfect truth say during the recitation of the Shema,4 “You shall love [the L-rd your G‑d] with all your heart and with all your soul…..”

וכן: והיו הדברים האלה וגו’ ודברת בם וגו’

Likewise:5 “These words [which I command you today] shall be [upon your heart]….. And you shall speak of them…..”

All the above verses speak of the study of Torah.6

להיות דבר ה’ בפיו באמת

The word of G‑d must truly be in his mouth, [which is the case when one’s mouth serves as a vessel for G‑d’s word]7

ואין אמת וכו’

and “there is no truth [but Torah].”8

וכן לקיים כל המצות

He must also perform all the mitzvot,

כמו שכתוב: אשר קדשנו במצותיו

as it is written,9 “He has sanctified us with His commandments.”

3 comments on “The Epistle on Repentance: Chapter 10 – Part 1 – video

  1. Dear Rabbi Krasnianski, I have been learning Tanya with yourself via ‘Lessons in Tanya’ for around 1 1/2 years now….I learn one lesson every day…I must say that I very much enjoy your shiurim, and they are delivered in a very clear and beautiful way, with such an immense feeling of אהבת התורת, and אהבת ישראל, that is impossible to put into words to the series of lessons/lectures/שיעורים justice. I currently live in Israel, but was born in England. I also for the last few years have been a member of אנ”ש in Herzliya. I was brought up ‘Frumm'(I remember your explanation of the meaning of the initial letters of the word FRUM in one of your lessons!). I went on a non religious spree for a number of years, before ‘returning home’ (the ה) a number of years ago…B”H!! I am currently at the beginning of chap 10 of אגרת התשובה, and I see that there is only 10/1 online. Also I notice that in chap 11, part 1 is also missing….Is there any reason for this ? Is there any way to send the missing lessons?..I would be very grateful indeed to receive a reply …Besorot Tovot and all success for a wonderful, uplifting series, Avraham Adrian Ickowicz

    • Dear Avraham,

      Thank you for your beautiful feedback.

      There were some technical problems with Igeret Hatshuvah Chapter 10 and 11 classes recording,

      bz”h we will re-record the missing parts in the near future.

      We’ll keep you posted when it becomes available online.

      best regards team

  2. Dear Chen, Thank you so much for your prompt reply…I look forward to receiving the updates when they become available..Kol Tuv Avraham

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