Tanya: Title Page – video

Tanya: Title Page – audio

Title Page

The title page written by the Alter Rebbe reads as follows:


לקוטי אמרים

חלק ראשון

הנקרא בשם

ספר של בינונים

מלוקט מפי ספרים ומפי סופרים קדושי עליון נ״ע

מיוסד על פסוק כי קרוב אליך הדבר מאד בפיך ובלבבך לעשותו

לבאר היטב איך הוא קרוב מאד בדרך ארוכה וקצרה בעזה״י


LIKUTEI AMARIM (“A Compilation of Teachings”)



SEFER SHEL BEINONIM (“The Book of the Intermediates”)

Compiled from sacred books and from teachers of heavenly saintliness, whose souls are in Eden; based upon the verse,1 “For this thing is very near to you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may do it”; explaining clearly how it is exceedingly near, in both a lengthy and a short way, with the aid of the Holy One, blessed be He.

* * *

This verse on which the Tanya is based speaks of the obligation to fulfill G‑d’s commandments, saying that it is very “near”, i.e., accessible, to every Jew to do so — through three channels, which are here alluded to by the three phrases, “your heart,” “your mouth,” and “to do it.” These phrases represent, respectively, the three faculties of thought, speech and action. These are, as it were, the functional organs of the soul; the soul vests itself in them in order to implement its wishes.

In a deeper sense, “your heart” refers to the emotions — experienced in the heart — of love of G‑d and awe of Him.

When one fulfills a mitzvah out of his love of G‑d, knowing that the only way to unite with Him is by fulfilling His commands, he will do so with an inner vitality and pleasure, just as one does when he fulfills the wishes of a dear friend. The love of G‑d is thus a channel for the performance of the positive mitzvot. On the other hand, one’s awe of G‑d will prevent him from acting in violation of His wishes. He who is pervaded by this sense of awe will be most vigilant in avoiding any transgression of the prohibitive mitzvot.

The verse thus declares that acquiring these two emotions of love and awe of G‑d, so that they motivate one’s observance of the mitzvot, is likewise “very near to you.”

This declaration is the basis of the Tanya. The Alter Rebbe now sets out to explain, in both a lengthy and a brief way, how it is very near.

By nature, man’s heart desires material things. To develop a love and a desire for G‑dliness is actually to shift one’s natural desire from one extreme — worldliness, to another — G‑dliness. Nor is awe of G‑d easily attainable. As the Gemara attests, “Is awe of G‑d such a small matter” How then does the verse state that it is, indeed, “very near to you”

The Alter Rebbe will explain two ways by which the attainment of love and fear is very near: one “lengthy”, and the other “brief”.

The lengthy route is contemplation; by pondering deeply on the greatness of G‑d and His kindness, one will generate within himself a love and awe of Him. The shorter route consists of arousing and bringing to the surface the hidden love and awe of G‑d inherent in the soul of every Jew; it is “short” because in this case he does not create these feelings but merely reveals them.

This, then, is the basis of the Tanya.

In his modesty, the Alter Rebbe named the book Likutei Amarim — “A Compilation of Teachings,” claiming that he did no more than collect teachings “from books and teachers.” Chassidic tradition understands “books” as a reference to the works of the Maharal, and the Shelah, and “teachers” as the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggid of Mezritch.

The book is popularly called Tanya, for the word with which it begins.


1. Devarim 30:14.

14 comments on “Tanya: Title Page – video

  1. This resonates truth at a very deep level. It is MY responsibility to grow in knowledge, truth and develop a personal relationship with HaShem. Lest l remain like those mentioned in Isaiah 29:13

  2. Amazing
    This is the first video I have seen from this Rabbi. Even so, I am glad I found this, more so than the easy “Daily Studies” of Tanya and Rom Bom and such. I wasn’t picking anything up from them. This may have been an hour on just the first part of Tanya, but it made me really focus more than I have ever focused. Thank you very much.

  3. Wow.
    As a convert to Judaism I have been exposed to many misconstrued scripture, misused in the Christian bible. I was taught that G-d never expected us to keep “the law” or mitzvah and the new testament even misquotes this verse as reference that we need a “savior”… how can they do this? Thanks you so much, I am learning so much through my Chabad connection.

  4. I have found a fundamental place here… I am 53, I was raised Reform. I have lived largely seeking a voice I now know as HaShem’s identity for me… which is uniquely HaShem’s and mine alone to share. I would introduce Tanya as being the single most clarifying tone in which my life and being secures, and finds its place. I am honestly in awe of ChaBaD’s community, thank you so much. Perhaps it is time to engage in my local community as well…

  5. Tanya and Self-Realization
    This lesson, the first is an excellent introduction to people looking for real/genuine paths of self -realization;
    according to psychologists like Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers only 10 % of the world population is really committed to following the path of great achievement and personal realization.
    becoming a God- realizaed being deeply committed to a purpose and noble ideal in face of all obstacoles and sharp opposition is by no means an easy task to do yet I find enjoyable and possible in my unique jewish way accompanied as I am by Tanya and Rabbi’s Krasnianski’s lessons!

  6. “+39 120777… Hello?” “I am your G-d…”
    Dear Rabbi, the lesson is great and exactly what I needed right now.
    What a coincidence! or not? Hopefully Hashèm is dialing my number… I am here to answer, with your help, and your guide.
    Thanks a lot Rabbi for guiding me and all the others along the path. i really hope each and everyone of us will enter Jerusalem with his/her own feet.

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