Loading the player… אבל גילוי ההארה שבתחיית המתים יהיה מבחינת סובב כל עלמין The radiation of light at the time of the Resurrection, however, will become manifest from the level of Sovev Kol Almin, שאינה בבחינת צמצום ושיעור וגבול, אלא בלי גבול ותכלית which is not in a state of contraction, measure […]
Tanya The Holy Epistle
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 17 – Part 3 – video
Loading the player… אבל גילוי ההארה שבתחיית המתים יהיה מבחינת סובב כל עלמין The radiation of light at the time of the Resurrection, however, will become manifest from the level of Sovev Kol Almin, שאינה בבחינת צמצום ושיעור וגבול, אלא בלי גבול ותכלית which is not in a state of contraction, measure […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 17 – Part 4 – audio
Loading the player… The Alter Rebbe now goes on to explain why in Gan Eden, when the soul is not encumbered by a body, the light of Keter cannot be manifest, whereas — paradoxically — this revelation becomes possible only in the World to Come at the time of the Resurrection, when the soul is […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 17 – Part 4 – video
Loading the player… The Alter Rebbe now goes on to explain why in Gan Eden, when the soul is not encumbered by a body, the light of Keter cannot be manifest, whereas — paradoxically — this revelation becomes possible only in the World to Come at the time of the Resurrection, when the soul is […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 17 – Part 5 – audio
Loading the player… Returning to the earlier discussion: It is now clear why in future time the righteous (and “Your people are all righteous”) will be lauded as holy: they will all have revealed to them that Divine radiance that is “holy” in the sense that it transcends apprehension. Moreover, they will become so unified […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 17 – Part 5 – video
Loading the player… Returning to the earlier discussion: It is now clear why in future time the righteous (and “Your people are all righteous”) will be lauded as holy: they will all have revealed to them that Divine radiance that is “holy” in the sense that it transcends apprehension. Moreover, they will become so unified […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 18 – Part 1 – audio
Loading the player… As noted earlier, the overwhelming majority of the letters that the Alter Rebbe’s sons included here as part of the Tanya, were intended to encourage active divine service,1 particularly through the giving of tzedakah for the Kollel Chabad Fund. (This Fund supported fellow chassidim who had settled in the Holy Land, there […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 18 – Part 1 – video
Loading the player… As noted earlier, the overwhelming majority of the letters that the Alter Rebbe’s sons included here as part of the Tanya, were intended to encourage active divine service,1 particularly through the giving of tzedakah for the Kollel Chabad Fund. (This Fund supported fellow chassidim who had settled in the Holy Land, there […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 18 – Part 2 – audio
Loading the player… Having spoken until now of the higher category in the love of G‑d called ahavah betaanugim, the Alter Rebbe now proceeds to consider the lesser love, ahavah zuta. והשנית היא אהבה ותאוה, שהנפש מתאוה ואוהבת וחפיצה לדבקה בה׳ The second [category] is a love and desire in which the soul desires, […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 18 – Part 2 – video
Loading the player… Having spoken until now of the higher category in the love of G‑d called ahavah betaanugim, the Alter Rebbe now proceeds to consider the lesser love, ahavah zuta. והשנית היא אהבה ותאוה, שהנפש מתאוה ואוהבת וחפיצה לדבקה בה׳ The second [category] is a love and desire in which the soul desires, […]