Loading the player… Interdependence and brotherly love among Jews strike far deeper than the visible interpersonal plane. Indeed, if they are lacking, the pain is felt by the Shechinah itself, the Divine Presence. For the Divine Presence is the heart of the Jewish people, who themselves constitute the organs. A deep-seated organic disorder that affects […]
Tanya part 4 Epistle 31
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 31 – Part 1 – video
Interdependence and brotherly love among Jews strike far deeper than the visible interpersonal plane. Indeed, if they are lacking, the pain is felt by the Shechinah itself, the Divine Presence. For the Divine Presence is the heart of the Jewish people, who themselves constitute the organs. A deep-seated organic disorder that affects the circulatory system, […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 31 – Part 2 – audio
Loading the player… The above discussion relates only to the drawing down of Divine vitality from the Shechinah into the created worlds, which parallels the emanation of the spirit of life from the heart and its diffusion throughout the entire body. The Alter Rebbe will now go on to explain the second aspect of […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 31 – Part 2 – video
Loading the player… The above discussion relates only to the drawing down of Divine vitality from the Shechinah into the created worlds, which parallels the emanation of the spirit of life from the heart and its diffusion throughout the entire body. The Alter Rebbe will now go on to explain the second aspect of […]