The Holy Epistle: Epistle 27 – Part 3 – audio

Loading the player… וזהו שכתוב בזהר הקדוש, דצדיקא דאתפטר אשתכח בכלהו עלמין יתיר מבחיוהי This, then, is the meaning of the statement in the sacred Zohar,23 that “When a tzaddik departs he is to be found in all the worlds more than during his lifetime.” Surely this should only apply to the higher worlds. How […]

The Holy Epistle: Epistle 27 – Part 5 – audio

Loading the player… והנה יש עוד בחינת הארה לתלמידיו Now, there is another kind of illumination [from the tzaddik] to his disciples. רק שאינה מתלבשת בתוך מוחם ממש, כראשונה However, it does not vest itself truly in their minds43 — as is the case with the first [kind of illumination] that derives from the Ruach […]

The Holy Epistle: Epistle 27 – Part 5 – video

והנה יש עוד בחינת הארה לתלמידיו Now, there is another kind of illumination [from the tzaddik] to his disciples. רק שאינה מתלבשת בתוך מוחם ממש, כראשונה However, it does not vest itself truly in their minds43 — as is the case with the first [kind of illumination] that derives from the Ruach of the tzaddik, […]