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Tanya part 4 Epistle 24
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 24 – Part 1 – video
In the previous letter the Alter Rebbe explained how the Torah study of a group of at least ten, or a mitzvah performed by them collectively, brings about the indwelling of the Shechinah. He spoke of how even those who engage in the avodah of prayer sometimes spend the time before and after prayers in […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 24 – Part 2 – audio
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The Holy Epistle: Epistle 24 – Part 2 – video
ועל כן קבעו חז״ל בתפלה: כאלו עומד לפני המלך For this reason our Sages, of blessed memory, ordained that with prayer one should [conduct himself]14 “as if he is standing before the king.” Now if he is standing before the King of kings, why do our Sages say “as if”? This means: על כל פנים […]