Loading the player… נודע דבאתערותא דלתתא, שהאדם מעורר בלבו מדת החסד ורחמנות על כל הצריכים לרחמים It is well known1 that in response to an arousal from below, when a man arouses in his heart the attribute of lovingkindness and compassion for all those in need of compassion, אתערותא דלעילא, לעורר עליו רחמים […]
Tanya part 4 Epistle 17
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 17 – Part 1 – video
נודע דבאתערותא דלתתא, שהאדם מעורר בלבו מדת החסד ורחמנות על כל הצריכים לרחמים It is well known1 that in response to an arousal from below, when a man arouses in his heart the attribute of lovingkindness and compassion for all those in need of compassion, אתערותא דלעילא, לעורר עליו רחמים רבים ממקור הרחמים […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 17 – Part 2 – audio
Loading the player… לפי שההארה והגילוי שבגן עדן היא בחינת ממלא כל עלמין For the manifestation and the radiation in Gan Eden are of the level called Memaleh Kol Almin13 — the light which “permeates all worlds”; i.e., the muted Divine life-force that contracts, descends and diminishes according to the receptive capacity of the […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 17 – Part 2 – video
Loading the player… לפי שההארה והגילוי שבגן עדן היא בחינת ממלא כל עלמין For the manifestation and the radiation in Gan Eden are of the level called Memaleh Kol Almin13 — the light which “permeates all worlds”; i.e., the muted Divine life-force that contracts, descends and diminishes according to the receptive capacity of the […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 17 – Part 3 – audio
Loading the player… אבל גילוי ההארה שבתחיית המתים יהיה מבחינת סובב כל עלמין The radiation of light at the time of the Resurrection, however, will become manifest from the level of Sovev Kol Almin, שאינה בבחינת צמצום ושיעור וגבול, אלא בלי גבול ותכלית which is not in a state of contraction, measure […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 17 – Part 3 – video
Loading the player… אבל גילוי ההארה שבתחיית המתים יהיה מבחינת סובב כל עלמין The radiation of light at the time of the Resurrection, however, will become manifest from the level of Sovev Kol Almin, שאינה בבחינת צמצום ושיעור וגבול, אלא בלי גבול ותכלית which is not in a state of contraction, measure […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 17 – Part 4 – audio
Loading the player… The Alter Rebbe now goes on to explain why in Gan Eden, when the soul is not encumbered by a body, the light of Keter cannot be manifest, whereas — paradoxically — this revelation becomes possible only in the World to Come at the time of the Resurrection, when the soul is […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 17 – Part 4 – video
Loading the player… The Alter Rebbe now goes on to explain why in Gan Eden, when the soul is not encumbered by a body, the light of Keter cannot be manifest, whereas — paradoxically — this revelation becomes possible only in the World to Come at the time of the Resurrection, when the soul is […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 17 – Part 5 – audio
Loading the player… Returning to the earlier discussion: It is now clear why in future time the righteous (and “Your people are all righteous”) will be lauded as holy: they will all have revealed to them that Divine radiance that is “holy” in the sense that it transcends apprehension. Moreover, they will become so unified […]
The Holy Epistle: Epistle 17 – Part 5 – video
Loading the player… Returning to the earlier discussion: It is now clear why in future time the righteous (and “Your people are all righteous”) will be lauded as holy: they will all have revealed to them that Divine radiance that is “holy” in the sense that it transcends apprehension. Moreover, they will become so unified […]