The Holy Epistle: Epistle 13 – Part 3 – audio

Loading the player… ומה שאמר הכתוב: אברהם אוהבי, ופחד יצחק As for Scripture characterizing him as18 “Abraham who loved Me,” and [in another verse characterizing Isaac as]19 “the Dread of Isaac,” thereby indicating that Abraham’s service was an expression of Chesed and Isaac’s service an expression of Gevurah, which would seem to contradict the earlier […]

The Holy Epistle: Epistle 13 – Part 3 – video

Loading the player… ומה שאמר הכתוב: אברהם אוהבי, ופחד יצחק As for Scripture characterizing him as18 “Abraham who loved Me,” and [in another verse characterizing Isaac as]19 “the Dread of Isaac,” thereby indicating that Abraham’s service was an expression of Chesed and Isaac’s service an expression of Gevurah, which would seem to contradict the earlier […]