Audio-only version. Same content but in a smaller file size.
Tanya part 1 Chapter 26
Tanya: Chapter 26 – Part 1 – video
In the previous chapters, the Alter Rebbe explained how it is “very near to you,” i.e., how it is very easy and accessible to every Jew to serve G‑d with love and awe. He stated that this can be accomplished either by creating a love and fear of G‑d through meditation on G‑d’s greatness, or […]
Tanya: Chapter 26 – Part 2 – audio
Audio only version. Same content, but in a smaller file size.
Tanya: Chapter 26 – Part 2 – video
והנה עצה היעוצה לטהר לבו מכל עצב ונדנוד דאגה ממילי דעלמא, ואפילו בני חיי ומזוני Sound advice has been offered by our Sages on cleansing one’s heart of all sadness and any trace of worry about mundane matters, even a sadness or worry caused by the lack of such essentials as children, health, or livelihood. […]
Tanya: Chapter 26 – Part 3 – audio
Audio only version. Same content, but in a smaller file size.
Tanya: Chapter 26 – Part 3 – video
The Alter Rebbe now goes on to discuss a different type of sadness, that caused by one’s failings in matters of the spirit. אך העצבות ממילי דשמיא, צריך לשית עצות בנפשו ליפטר ממנה As for sadness connected with heavenly matters, one must seek ways and means of freeing oneself from it. אין צריך לומר בשעת […]