Video Audio Text הוכח תוכיח את עמיתך, אפילו מאה פעמים [It is written,]1 “You shall surely reprove your comrade” — “even one hundred times,” add our Sages,2 taking up the hint offered by the repetitive form of the Hebrew verb. ולזאת לא אוכל להתאפק ולהחריש מלזעוק עוד, בקול ענות חלושה Therefore, writes the Alter Rebbe, […]
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439 Thesis: Essay 09 p. 02
Video Audio Text ולהיות מחמת חלישות הדור, אין כח בכל אחד ואחד להתענות כראוי לו Moreover, since, due to the frailty of our times, not everyone is capable of fasting as he ought, In Iggeret HaTeshuvah13 the Alter Rebbe cites the classical works of Mussar as to the number of fasts prescribed for each major […]
439 Thesis: Essay 09 p. 02
Video Audio Text ולהיות מחמת חלישות הדור, אין כח בכל אחד ואחד להתענות כראוי לו Moreover, since, due to the frailty of our times, not everyone is capable of fasting as he ought, In Iggeret HaTeshuvah13 the Alter Rebbe cites the classical works of Mussar as to the number of fasts prescribed for each major […]