Video Audio Text וכל שכן באור אין סוף ברוך הוא, דלית מחשבה תפיסא ביה באורו והתפשטות החיות ממנו יתברך This is all the more true with regard to the [infinite] Ein Sof-light, for no thought can apprehend Him in His radiance or the diffusion of the life-force issuing from Him. כי אם במציאותו, שהוא שמחיה […]
Revised LITLIT P5 Rev
419 Thesis: Essay 04 p. 06
Video Audio Text מה שאין כן בכוונתו This is not the case concerning one’s intention while performing the mitzvah of the etrog. אינו משיג ותופס, אף היודע הסוד, אלא מציאותה ולא מהותה Here, even if he is familiar with the mystical [Kabbalistic and chassidic] meanings involved, he does not grasp and hold on to the […]
420 Thesis: Essay 04 p. 07
Video Audio Text ומביאה ללב שלם כו׳ Moreover, this leads to a “whole heart,” for the latter verse concludes, “and serve Him with a whole heart”; i.e., a knowledge of G‑d leads one to serve Him with one’s entire being. As explained in Likkutei Torah, in the discourse beginning VeLo Tashbit, this refers to serving […]
421 Thesis: Essay 04 p. 08
Video Audio Text ועוד זאת In addition: The Alter Rebbe will now state that beyond the above-discussed superior quality of mitzvot requiring action (as well as the study of their laws), they are also essentially superior to the source of the soul, by virtue of their source. Thus, the love and awe experienced by the […]
422 Thesis: Essay 04 p. 09
Video Audio Text ובר מן כל דין Besides all the above,53 i.e., all the above-mentioned ways in which the action-related mitzvot are superior to intellectually-aroused love and fear, there is yet another superior quality to the practical mitzvot: אפילו בנשמה דאצילות, אף שהיא מכלים דאצילות Even in the case of a soul of Atzilut, though […]
423 Thesis: Essay 04 p. 10
Video Audio Text אך להבין איך האתרוג, שהוא מרפ״ח שלא נבררו עדיין But let us understand how an etrog, which derives from the 288 sparks that have not yet been purified, Since this physical fruit derives its life-force from kelipat nogah, it contains some element of the 288 sparks of Tohu which have not yet […]
424 Thesis: Essay 04 p. 11
Video Audio Text אבל פרטי ההלכות הן המשכות חכמה עילאה דהמאציל ברוך הוא, המלובשת בגשמיות However, the detailed laws of the various mitzvot are drawn from the Supreme Wisdom of the Emanator, blessed be He, which is clothed in physicality, within the physical objects to which a particular law applies, such as the law governing […]
425 Thesis: Essay 04 p. 12
Video Audio Text כמו ביום טוב, שחסד דאצילות, המלובש לגמרי בחסד דבריאה, מחיה עולם הזה הגשמי just as on the festivals, when Chesed of Atzilut, which is completely clothed in Chesed of Beriah, vivifies this physical world על ידי מעבר חסד דיצירה ועשיה by passing through the Chesed of Yetzirah and of Asiyah, הנקרא גם […]
426 Thesis: Essay 04 p. 13
Video Audio Text ואף דחב״ד דבריאה יצירה דבחינת נשמה, שגבהה מאד מעלתן על בחינת מלכות דבריאה יצירה דנשמה Now though ChaBaD of Beriah-Yetzirah of the state of Neshamah by far transcend Malchut of Beriah-Yetzirah of the state of Neshamah, for ChaBaD is the highest of the Sefirot of the world, while Malchut is the lowest, […]
427 Thesis: Essay 04 p. 14
Video Audio Text ומה שכתוב בעץ חיים ושער היחודים שעל ידי הכוונה נעשה לבוש נשמה As to the statement in Etz Chayim67 (and in Shaar HaYichudim68) that through intention a Neshamah-garment is formed, ועל ידי התורה: לבוש רוח דרוח דיצירה על ידי משנה, ורוח דנשמה דבריאה על ידי הגמרא and through Torah study, a Ruach-of-Ruach […]