319 Holy: Epistle 12 p. 2

Video Audio Text על ידי בחינה ממוצעת, קו המכריע ומטה כלפי חסד by a mediary, the determining factor between Chesed and Gevurah, which leans towards Chesed, היא מדת הרחמים i.e., the attribute of Rachamim (“mercy”). When Chesed does not insist (so to speak) on an unlimited revelation of kindness (but is satisfied to reveal the […]

320 Holy: Epistle 12 p. 3

Video Audio Text ומודעת זאת מה שאמרו רז״ל על העוסק בתורה לשמה It is well-known that our Sages, of blessed memory, said9 of a person who engages in the study of Torah for its own sake, משים שלום בפמליא של מעלה ובפמליא של מטה that “he makes peace within the heavenly retinue and within the […]

321 Holy: Epistle 12 p. 4

Video Audio Text אך באדם התחתון But as regards terrestrial man, בכל עת מצוא at every “time of finding,” every propitious time for finding G‑d,18 זו תפלה meaning prayer,19 או שאר עתים מזומנים להתבודד עם קונו or at other times designated for secluding oneself with one’s Maker, כל אחד לפי מעשיו זוכה למעין בירור זה, […]

322 Holy: Epistle 12 p. 5

Video Audio Text אך לשון עבודה אינו נופל אלא על דבר שהאדם עושה ביגיעה עצומה, נגד טבע נפשו The term “service” (avodah), however, applies only to what a man does with immense exertion, contrary to his soul’s inclination, Indeed, it is his very disinclination for a particular task that works against him, and necessitates such […]

323 Holy: Epistle 13 p. 1

Video Audio Text מה רב טובך אשר צפנת ליראיך וגו׳ “How abundant is Your goodness which You have hidden away for those who fear You, [which You have wrought for those who trust in You before man].”1 Now the first part of the verse states that the reward is “hidden away,” while its conclusion implies […]

324 Holy: Epistle 13 p. 2

Video Audio Text והנה כל איש ישראל צריך להיות כלול מב׳ בחינות אלו Now, every Jew needs to comprise both these traits: a Jew whose soul derives from Chesed must also incorporate the thrust of Gevurah, and vice versa, ואין לך דבר שאין לו מקום for11 “There is no thing that has not its place.” […]

325 Holy: Epistle 13 p. 3

Video Audio Text ומה שאמר הכתוב: אברהם אוהבי, ופחד יצחק As for Scripture characterizing him as18 “Abraham who loved Me,” and [in another verse characterizing Isaac as]19 “the Dread of Isaac,” thereby indicating that Abraham’s service was an expression of Chesed and Isaac’s service an expression of Gevurah, which would seem to contradict the earlier […]

326 Holy: Epistle 14 p. 1

Video Audio Text Many of the letters that together constitute Iggeret HaKodesh were written in order to rouse Jewry to contribute generously to tzedakah in general and in particular for the Holy Land. More specifically, the Alter Rebbe strongly encouraged the support of Rabbi Mendele Horodoker and Rabbi Avraham Kalisker and their followers, who had […]

327 Holy: Epistle 14 p. 2

Video Audio Text ואחר כך, על ידי תקיעת שופר והתפלות, נמשך אור חדש עליון Afterwards, by means of the sounding of the Shofar and by means of the prayers, a new and superior light is elicited, מבחינה עליונה יותר שבמדריגת חכמה עילאה [a light] of a yet higher rank in the sphere of the Supreme […]

328 Holy: Epistle 15 p. 1

Video Audio Text The subject of this letter, the Ten Sefirot of the World of Atzilut and of the other worlds, is a fundament of both Kabbalah and Chassidut. All the worlds are both created and conducted by means of the Sefirot, the emanations by which the various attributes of Divinity become manifest. Thus we […]