Video Audio Text ולכן נקרא בשם נקודה בהיכלא, בזוהר הקדוש In the holy Zohar,10 therefore, [Chochmah] is referred to as “the dot in the palace.”11 Chochmah is the “dot” or “point” of intellect that illumines the “palace” of Binah. Nevertheless, even when already housed in Binah, it still remains a seminal point of intellect that […]
Revised LITLIT P4 Rev
290 Holy: Epistle 05 p. 3
Video Audio Text פירוש: כי הנה התהוות אותיות הדבור היוצאות מה׳ מוצאות הפה אינה דבר מושכל This means: The formation of the letters of speech which proceed from the five organs of articulation15 is not an intellectual process. The letters do not emanate from the soul as a result of any intellectual imperative. ולא מוטבע […]
291 Holy: Epistle 05 p. 4
Video Audio Text Until this point the Alter Rebbe has explained the Talmudic teaching that the World to Come was created by the letter yud: the Sefirah of Chochmah, which this letter represents, is the spiritual source of Gan Eden which is in the World to Come. However, according to the above, since the letters […]
292 Holy: Epistle 05 p. 5
Video Audio Text ומשם יוצא ההבל מקור גילוי גוף האותיות הדבור From there issues the breath, the original manifestation of the “body” of the letters of speech המתגלות בה׳ מוצאות מהעלם היו״ד which become revealed from the concealment of the yud through the five organs of speech. ותמונת ה׳ תתאה בכתיבתה גם כן בהתפשטות אורך […]
293 Holy: Epistle 05 p. 6
Video Audio Text אך העולם הזה השפל, עם החיות שבתוכו This lowly world, however, with the life-force that is found within it, קטן מהכיל ולסבול אור וחיות מבחינת צורת האותיות ופנימיותן is too small to contain and endure the light and life-force that proceed from the “form” and “inwardness” of the letters; להאיר ולהשפיע בו […]
294 Holy: Epistle 05 p. 7
Video Audio Text אך אחר בריאת האדם לעבדה כו׳ But after the creation of man “to work it,”53 his life-long task being to draw down to this world a flow of Divine energy by means of an “arousal from below,” i.e., by means of his own spiritual labors, אזי כל אתערותא דלעילא, לעורר מדת חסד […]
295 Holy: Epistle 05 p. 8
Video Audio Text וזה שכתוב: אל יתהלל חכם בחכמתו גו׳, כי אם בזאת יתהלל גו׳, כי אני ה׳ עושה חסד גו׳ And this is the meaning of the verse,62 “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, but in this let him glory — [in understanding and knowing Me,”63 but in such a manner […]
296 Holy: Epistle 06 p. 1
Video Audio Text ו זורע צדקה שכר אמת (במשלי י״א) “He who sows tzedakah has a ‘reward’ of truth” (Proverbs 11).1 פירוש: ששכר זריעת הצדקה היא מדת אמת This means that the attribute of truth is the (G‑d-given) reward for sowing tzedakah. The term “this means” is generally used to forestall an alternative interpretation. Here, […]
297 Holy: Epistle 06 p. 2
Video Audio Text והנה בזיו והארה זו, שהוא התפשטות החיות משמו יתברך להחיות עליונים ותחתונים Now it is in this radiation and reflection, which is an extension of the life-giving energy [that flows] from [G‑d’s] blessed Name to animate the higher and lower beings, הוא שיש הבדל והפרש בין עליונים לתחתונים that there is a […]
298 Holy: Epistle 06 p. 3
Video Audio Text Since G‑d utterly transcends creation, which is absolutely of no consequence in relation to His Essence: ואי לזאת, הרחמנות גדולה מאד מאד על הניצוץ השוכן בגוף החשוך והאפל, משכא דחויא It follows that there is extremely great cause to feel compassion for the spark, which is14 “a part of G‑d Above,” that […]