Video Audio Text The Alter Rebbe is here addressing chassidim who in the past had benefited from their connection with the tzaddik both through his advice and blessings on material matters, and through his guidance in matters of the spirit. He comforts them, therefore, with the teaching of the Zohar that a tzaddik is to […]
Revised LITLIT P4 Rev
390 Holy: Epistle 27 p. 3
Video Audio Text וזהו שכתוב בזהר הקדוש, דצדיקא דאתפטר אשתכח בכלהו עלמין יתיר מבחיוהי This, then, is the meaning of the statement in the sacred Zohar,23 that “When a tzaddik departs he is to be found in all the worlds more than during his lifetime.” Surely this should only apply to the higher worlds. How […]
391 Holy: Epistle 27 p. 4
Video Audio Text Part (b) ביאור על הנ״ל An Elucidation of the Above The Alter Rebbe now provides a deeper understanding of the above letter. * * * איתא בזהר הקדוש, דצדיקא דאתפטר, אשתכח בכלהו עלמין יתיר מבחיוהי כו׳ It is stated in the sacred Zohar that “When a tzaddik departs he is to be […]
392 Holy: Epistle 27 p. 5
Video Audio Text והנה יש עוד בחינת הארה לתלמידיו Now, there is another kind of illumination [from the tzaddik] to his disciples. רק שאינה מתלבשת בתוך מוחם ממש, כראשונה However, it does not vest itself truly in their minds43 — as is the case with the first [kind of illumination] that derives from the Ruach […]
393 Holy: Epistle 28 p. 1
Video Audio Text In the previous Epistle, written to console the chassidic brotherhood after the passing of the saintly R. Mendele Vitebsker, the Alter Rebbe quotes from the Zohar to the effect that a tzaddik is even more accessible in this world after his passing than while he was still alive. Moreover, after his passing […]
394 Holy: Epistle 28 p. 2
Video Audio Text אמנם נודע מזהר הקדוש והאריז״ל, סוד הקרבנות שעל גבי המזבח Now,12 the mystical principle of the sacrifices offered on the altar is known from the sacred Zohar13 and from R. Isaac Luria,14 of blessed memory: הן בחינת העלאת מיין נוקבין, מנפש הבהמית שבנוגה They are an instance of the elevation of mayin […]
395 Holy: Epistle 28 p. 3
Video Audio Text no text was read during class
396 Holy: Epistle 28 p. 4
Video Audio Text The Alter Rebbe will now explain how this relates to the passing of a tzaddik, for this likewise draws down a degree of illumination that utterly transcends the world, transforming its darkness into light and bringing about atonement for the sins of the generation. והנה מודעת זאת, דאבא יונק ממזל השמיני Now, […]
397 Holy: Epistle 29 p. 1
Video Audio Text The focus of the present letter is the distinctive value of studying the halachot, the laws of the Torah. The Sages deem these laws to be the “crown of Torah,” because the Supernal Will is most fully revealed within the laws of the Oral Torah, inasmuch as they clearly spell out G‑d‘s […]
398 Holy: Epistle 29 p. 2
Video Audio Text והנה כמו שבנשמת האדם יש בה כח התענוג שמתענגת ממה שיש לה ענג ממנו כמו מהשכלת שכל חדש וכה”ג Now, in the soul of man there is a faculty for pleasure: [the soul] takes pleasure in what it finds pleasurable,31as in the conception of a new insight, or the like. ובחי’ חיצוניות […]