Video Audio Text ועוד זאת אדרוש ממעלתכם Furthermore, I earnestly ask of my esteemed listeners On the above matters between man and G‑d, the Alter Rebbe referred to himself as merely “repeating reminders.” Here, however, as he begins to speak of the relationship between man and man, he uses stronger terms. שלא להשליך דברי אחריכם, […]
Revised LITLIT P4 Rev
370 Holy: Epistle 23 p. 1
Video Audio Text In the letter that follows, the Alter Rebbe urges chassidim to devote the daily interval between Minchah and Maariv to the group study of Ein Yaakov, and to the laws in the Shulchan Aruch that have frequent and practical application. He introduces this appeal by explaining how sublime is the Divine Presence […]
371 Holy: Epistle 23 p. 2
Video Audio Text אבל ההשראה Indwelling, however, i.e., that degree of indwelling of which it is written that “the Shechinah dwells among them,” היא הארה עצומה מאור ה׳, המאיר בה בלי גבול ותכלית is an intense radiation from the light of G‑d, that radiates in it — within the soul itself, and not within its […]
372 Holy: Epistle 23 p. 3
Video Audio Text על כן, אהובי אחיי ורעיי, אל נא תרעו הרעה הגדולה הזאת Therefore, my beloved ones, my brethren and friends: do not commit this great evil — of turning a gathering of worshipers before or after prayers into a “company of scoffers,” ותנו כבוד לה׳ אלקיכם בטרם יחשך, דהיינו בין מנחה למעריב כל […]
373 Holy: Epistle 24 p. 1
Video Audio Text In the previous letter the Alter Rebbe explained how the Torah study of a group of at least ten, or a mitzvah performed by them collectively, brings about the indwelling of the Shechinah. He spoke of how even those who engage in the avodah of prayer sometimes spend the time before and […]
374 Holy: Epistle 24 p. 2
Video Audio Text ועל כן קבעו חז״ל בתפלה: כאלו עומד לפני המלך For this reason our Sages, of blessed memory, ordained that with prayer one should [conduct himself]14 “as if he is standing before the king.” Now if he is standing before the King of kings, why do our Sages say “as if”? This means: […]
375 Holy: Epistle 25 p. 1
Video Audio Text This letter comments on a discourse (in Tzavaat HaRivash, sec. 120 in the Kehot editions) in which the Baal Shem Tov explains that though all things emanate from G‑d through His attributes of love and awe, these attributes can find themselves in a state of exile. The Baal Shem Tov goes on […]
376 Holy: Epistle 25 p. 2
Video Audio Text להבין אמרי בינה “To comprehend the words of understanding,” i.e., the words of Torah,2 מה שכתוב בספר הנקרא צוואת ריב״ש stated in the book called Tzavaat Rivash3 (“The Testament of the Baal Shem Tov),” הגם שבאמת אינה צוואתו כלל, ולא ציוה כלל לפני פטירתו though in fact it is not at all4 […]
377 Holy: Epistle 25 p. 3
Video Audio Text והרבה שלוחים למקום and9 “G‑d has many agents” through whom He can act. Hence, even if the offending party had chosen otherwise, the incident would have befallen the victim in any case. This discussion recalls the teaching of the Mechilta cited by Rashi on the verse,10 והאלקים אנה לידו — “and G‑d […]
378 Holy: Epistle 25 p. 4
Video Audio Text אף שטבע זה במים, הוא גם כן נברא ומחודש יש מאין even though this characteristic of water — to flow downward — is also created and innovated ex nihilo. As the Rebbe explains, not only the water itself, but also its characteristic of fluidity, was created ex nihilo. Thus, when the wind […]