Video Audio Text והנה כמו כן מזיווג זו״ן דבי״ע, נבראו מאין ליש כל הנבראים והנוצרים והנעשים Similarly, by the union of Za and Nukva of Beriah, Yetzirah, and Asiyah, there were created — as yesh from ayin — all the beings that were created in the World of Beriah, formed in the World of Yetzirah […]
Revised LITLIT P4 Rev
360 Holy: Epistle 20 p. 11
Video Audio Text וכן גם הקו בעצמו, המלובש בסיום וסוף נצח הוד יסוד דאדם קדמון The same is the case (not only with the ray of the Kav that is vested within the kelim of Atzilut, but) also with the Kav itself, which is vested in the conclusion and end of the Netzach, Hod and […]
361 Holy: Epistle 20 p. 12
Video Audio Text ולא התפשטות והתלבשות החיות, להחיותם ולהוותם מאין ליש As to the presence in the worlds of the very essence and nature of the [infinite] Ein Sof-light, this is not by way of an extension and investment of the life-force, thereby animating them and bringing them into being from ayin to yesh. For […]
362 Holy: Epistle 20 p. 13
Video Audio Text ואין זאת אלא משום דרגלי דאדם קדמון מסתיימים בתחתית עשיה This is so only because the “feet” of Adam Kadmon culminate at the lowest level of Asiyah, The “feet” (i.e., the last and lowliest levels) of Adam Kadmon, the Primordial Thought that encompasses all the levels of creation, concludes in the lowest […]
363 Holy: Epistle 21 p. 1
Video Audio Text אחרי דרישת שלומם כמשפט לאוהבי שמו Having first duly inquired after the welfare of those who love [G‑d’s] Name, This pastoral letter was written by the Alter Rebbe to rouse those of his followers who had pledged an annual contribution to Kollel Chabad. This fund supported their fellow chassidim who had settled […]
364 Holy: Epistle 21 p. 2
Video Audio Text The reason given until this point for dividing one’s annual pledges into weekly or at least monthly payments, was the quality of alacrity in performing a mitzvah. The Alter Rebbe now adds two further reasons for not deferring frequent payments to one consolidated contribution at the end of the year: (a) every […]
365 Holy: Epistle 22 p. 1
Video Audio Text Part (a) In the present letter the Alter Rebbe bemoans the fact that his chassidim trouble him by seeking advice on physical matters, such as their livelihood s. Such advice, he argues, is within the province of prophets, not of Torah scholars. In conclusion he explains how one should accept physical suffering […]
366 Holy: Epistle 22 p. 2
Video Audio Text וכמו אב רחמן חכם וצדיק, המכה את בנו, שאין לבן חכם להפוך עורף לנוס למצוא לו עזרה, או אפילו מליץ יושר לפני אביו הרחמן והצדיק וחסיד This is analogous to a compassionate, wise and righteous father who hits his son. Surely a wise son should not turn his back to escape and […]
367 Holy: Epistle 22 p. 3
Video Audio Text וכמים הפנים אל פנים Then,28 “as in water face reflects face,” The verse goes on to say, “…so is the heart of man to man.” And the same is true of the heart of mortal man to Supernal Man: תתעורר האהבה בלב כל משכיל ומבין יקר מהות אהבת ה׳ אל התחתונים there […]
368 Holy: Epistle 22 p. 4
Video Audio Text Part (b) The following letter was placed here by the compilers of Iggeret HaKodesh — “after the first editions (see list) had been published,” as the Rebbe points out — as an addendum to Epistle XXII, Part (a). The connection, however, is not immedi-ately apparent. Perhaps it lies in the opening passage […]