Video Audio Text In their Approbation to Tanya,1 the author’s sons write that the discourses and open letters together entitled Iggeret HaKodesh2 (“The Holy Epistle”), as well as the further discourses entitled Kuntres Acharon (“Later Pamphlet”), were all “recorded personally by [the Alter Rebbe’s] own holy hand in his own saintly expression. These discourses are […]
Revised LITLIT P4 Rev
270 Holy: Epistle 01 p. 2
Video Audio Text ולהודיע לבני אדם גבורתה של תורה שבעל פה וכחה עוז and make known to mankind the might of the Oral Torah13 and its power which is great. The might (Gevurah) of Torah relates specifically to the Oral Law. For with regard to the source of the Torah in the Supernal Sefirot, the […]
271 Holy: Epistle 01 p. 3
Video Audio Text הנה אמונה זו נקראת בשם בחינת מתנים, דבר המעמיד ומקיים את הראש Now this faith, this belief in G‑d as outlined above, is referred to as the “loins” which uphold and sustain the “head”, הוא השכל המתבונן ומעמיק דעת בגדולת אין סוף ברוך הוא, בבחינת עולם שנה נפש meaning the intellect that […]
272 Holy: Epistle 01 p. 4
Video Audio Text אך מי הוא הנותן כח ועוז לבחינת מתנים להעמיד ולקיים הראש והזרועות But what gives the power and strength to the “loins” (i.e., faith) to support and sustain the “head” (i.e., the intellect that contemplates G‑d’s greatness) and the “arms” (i.e., the love and fear of G‑d)? הוא עסק ולימוד הלכות בתורה […]
273 Holy: Epistle 01 p. 5
Video Audio Text ולזאת אותה אבקש ממבקשי ה׳ Therefore, says the Alter Rebbe, this is what I would ask of those who seek to draw close to G‑d: יבינו וישכילו יחדיו, ולהיות לזכרון בין עיניהם, כל מה שכתבתי אליהם אשתקד בכלל Let them both understand and contemplate, and have as a [constant] reminder between their […]
274 Holy: Epistle 02 p. 1
Video Audio Text Upon his Arrival from Petersburg The Alter Rebbe sent this pastoral letter to all his followers, upon his release from the imprisonment brought about by calumnies instigated by the opponents of Chassidism.1 This slander resulted from his selfless and tireless efforts to strengthen the chassidic movement and disseminate its teachings. His subsequent […]
275 Holy: Epistle 02 p. 2
Video Audio Text וזו היא גם כן מדתו של יעקב This [humility born of kindness] is also the characteristic trait of Jacob, ובזאת התנצל על יראתו מפני עשו, ולא די לו בהבטחתו: והנה אנכי עמך גו׳ and therewith he justified himself for his fear of Esau, and did not regard the [Divine] promise given to […]
276 Holy: Epistle 02 p. 3
Video Audio Text ולזאת באתי מן המודיעים מודעה רבה לכללות אנ״ש Accordingly, I am now making a weighty announcement to all the men of our [chassidic] fraternity, על ריבוי החסדים אשר הגדיל ה׳ לעשות עמנו regarding the multitude of favors,20 “the great things that G‑d has done with us.” The attribute of Chesed (kindness) is […]
277 Holy: Epistle 02 p. 4
Video Audio Text No text was used
278 Holy: Epistle 03 p. 1
Video Audio Text וילבש צדקה כשריון, וכובע ישועה בראשו “And1 He garbed himself with tzedakah2 as with a coat of mail, and a helmet of salvation upon his head.” This verse in fact speaks of G‑d’s promised actions in defense of His people. Nevertheless, the deeds of Jews that mirror G‑d’s deeds serve as a […]