263 Repentance: ch. 11 p. 1

Video Audio Text The Alter Rebbe stated in the previous chapter that since prayer is an expression of teshuvah ila’ah, the higher level of return, it must be preceded by the humility and contrition of teshuvah tata’ah, the lower level of return. This is attained by spiritual stocktaking and by arousing Divine compassion upon one’s […]

264 Repentance: ch. 11 p. 2

Video Audio Text בלי שום ספק וספק ספיקא בעולם [The worshiper offers supplications such as the above] without the faintest vestige of doubt. וכמו שאנו מברכין בכל תפלת שמונה עשרה: תיכף שמבקשים סלח לנו כו’, ברוך אתה ה’ חנון המרבה לסלוח For this reason, in every Shemoneh Esreh, the moment we plead, “Pardon us ……,” […]

265 Repentance: ch. 11 p. 3

Video Audio Text Now if mere mortals are also expected to forgive instantly, what kind of praise is it that we offer the Infinite One in Shemoneh Esreh (the Amidah) by ascribing a like attribute to Him? This is the question that the Alter Rebbe now anticipates: ומה שמשבחים ומברכים את ה’: חנון המרבה לסלוח, […]

266 Repentance: ch. 11 p. 4

Video Audio Text וכל החטאים שמתוודים בעל חטא מדי שנה, אף שחזר ועבר עליהם As to all the sins for which we confess in the Al Chet annually, though repeatedly violated, חוזר ומתודה עליהם ביום הכפורים בשנה הבאה, וכן לעולם we again confess for them on Yom Kippur in the coming year, and so on […]

267 Repentance: ch. 11 p. 5

Video Audio Text ומה שכתוב: וחטאתי נגדי תמיד As to the verse that says,20 “My sin is always before me,” אין המכוון להיות תמיד עצב נבזה, חס ושלום this does not imply that one ought to be constantly melancholy and humiliated, G‑d forbid, דהא כתיב בתריה: תשמיעני ששון ושמחה וגו’ for later verses declare, 21 […]

268 Repentance: ch. 12

Video Audio Text The Alter Rebbe explained in the previous chapter that although a penitent should always remember his past sins, his recollection should not lead to a state of ongoing depression or shame; such an attitude would cripple the cardinal principle of serving G‑d with joy. Rather, he should recall his past misdeeds “from […]