Video Audio Text ולכן סידרו בקריאת שמע שעל המטה, לקבל עליו ד׳ מיתות בית דין וכו׳ For this reason it was ordained that in the course of Keriat Shema at the bedside33 one should accept the four executions of the court, and so on. This acceptance is recited even by those who have never committed […]
Revised LITLIT P3 Rev
254 Repentance: ch. 08 p. 1
Video Audio Text Two basic elements, as the Alter Rebbe made clear in the previous chapter, enable the lower level of repentance to be true and direct: (a) considering how one’s soul and its Source, the Shechinah, are to be pitied, and arousing Supreme compassion upon them; (b) making a thoughtful, soulful and accurate accounting […]
255 Repentance: ch. 08 p. 2
Video Audio Text וכן ממש למטה בנפש האלקית שבאדם Just as there is a restoration of the hei Above, exactly so below in the Divine soul within man, שוב אין עונותיכם מבדילים no more do4 “your sins separate [you from G‑d].” וכמו שכתוב ונקה מנקה הוא לשבים Thus it is written, naming one of the […]
256 Repentance: ch. 08 p. 3
Video Audio Text וזו היא תשובה שלימה This is perfect return – Teshuvah. והנה בחינת יחוד זה ותשובה זו היא בחינת תשובה עילאה, שלאחר תשובה תתאה This state of unity and this return are called teshuvah ila’ah, the higher level of repentance, that follows teshuvah tata’ah, the lower level of repentence. וכמו שכתוב בזוהר הקדוש […]
257 Repentance: ch. 09 p. 1
Video Audio Text The Alter Rebbe explained at the conclusion of the previous chapter that through teshuvah ila’ah, the higher level of repentance, the soul is totally cleansed and purified. It then ascends and cleaves to G‑d with the same degree of unity that it enjoyed before it descended into the body. Furthermore, the Alter […]
258 Repentance: ch. 09 p. 2
Video Audio Text The Alter Rebbe explained at the conclusion of the previous chapter that through teshuvah ila’ah, the higher level of repentance, the soul is totally cleansed and purified. It then ascends and cleaves to G‑d with the same degree of unity that it enjoyed before it descended into the body. Furthermore, the Alter […]
259 Repentance: ch. 09 p. 3
Video Audio Text והנה עיקר האהבה היא אתדבקות רוחא ברוחא Ahavah, the love of G‑d, is primarily the cleaving of spirit to Spirit,3 כמו שכתוב: ישקני מנשיקות פיהו וגו’ כנודע as the verse expresses it,4 “He kisses me with the kisses of his mouth….” A physical kiss unites the inner breath or spirit of two […]
260 Repentance: ch. 09 p. 4
Video Audio Text ולפי שפגם הברית בהוצאת זרע לבטלה Since the violation of the covenant through wasteful emission, ואין צריך לומר בעריות, או שאר איסורי ביאה דאורייתא או דרבנן to say nothing of incestuous relations, or other unions prohibited by the Torah or the Sages (כי חמורים דברי סופרים וכו’) (12 for13 “the words i.e. […]
261 Repentance: ch. 10 p. 1
Video Audio Text The theme of the previous chapter was teshuvah ila’ah and how it finds expression in the “cleaving of spirit to Spirit” — through Torah study, tzedakah and acts of lovingkindness. והנה תשובה עילאה זו, דאתדבקותא דרוחא ברוחא על ידי תורה וגמילות חסדים This higher level of teshuvah, the cleaving of spirit to […]
262 Repentance: ch. 10 p. 2
Video Audio Text וכן לקיים כל המצות He must also perform all the mitzvot, כמו שכתוב: אשר קדשנו במצותיו as it is written,9 “He has sanctified us with His commandments.” כמו הרי את מקודשת לי This [sanctification] has the same sense as in the phrase,10 “You are sanctified unto me” — i.e., separate from all […]