Video Audio Text וזה שנאמר: כי חלק ה׳ עמו, יעקב חבל נחלתו This, then, is the meaning of the verse,2 “For [G‑d’s] people is a part of G‑d; Jacob is the rope of His inheritance.” This verse implies that within the soul there are to be found two levels: the internal aspect of the soul […]
Revised LITLIT P3 Rev
244 Repentance: ch. 05 p. 3
Video Audio Text והוא על דרך משל מחבל עב, שזור מתרי״ג חבלים דקים This is analogous to a thick rope woven of 613 thin strands. ככה חבל ההמשכה הנ״ל כלול מתרי״ג מצות So, too, the “rope” of the downward flow mentioned above is comprised of the 613 mitzvot,14 each mitzvah being an individual thin strand. […]
245 Repentance: ch. 06 p. 1
Video Audio Text The Alter Rebbe opened the fourth chapter by beginning to explain the concept of repentance according to the mystical approach to the Torah. He prefaced his commentary by noting that according to Scripture and our Sages a person who committed a sin punishable by excision would actually die before his fiftieth year, […]
246 Repentance: ch. 06 p. 2
Video Audio Text ואדרבה In fact, not only is it possible for the sinner to receive his nurture from kelipah as do animals and other living beings, but indeed, ביתר שאת וביתר עז with even greater emphasis and force. על פי המבואר מזוהר הקדוש פרשת פקודי, שכל שפע וחיות הנשפעות לאדם התחתון For, as explained […]
247 Repentance: ch. 06 p. 3
Video Audio Text וזהו שאמרו רז״ל: אין בידינו לא משלות הרשעים וכו׳ Hence the statement of our Sages,19 of blessed memory: “It is not within our hands (i.e., it is not given us) to understand the reason for either the tranquillity of the wicked [or the suffering of the righteous].” בידינו דוקא, כלומר: בזמן הגלות […]
248 Repentance: ch. 07 p. 1
Video Audio Text In the language of the Zohar, the lower level of repentance entails returning the latter hei of the Four-Letter Name of G‑d to its rightful place — returning the Shechinah, which is the source of Jewish souls, from the exile to which it was banished by transgression. For when a man sins, […]
249 Repentance: ch. 07 p. 2
Video Audio Text וכמו שכתוב: וישוב אל הוי׳ וירחמהו As the verse states:6 “He shall return to G‑d and He will have compassion for him”; i.e., the sinner shall return to G‑d and have compassion for Him. But how are we to understand the concept of arousing mercy for the Tetragrammaton? פירוש: לעורר רחמים על […]
250 Repentance: ch. 07 p. 3
Video Audio Text והב׳: לבטש ולהכניע הקליפה והסטרא אחרא The second element [in one’s preparation for a true and direct path to repentance] is to crush and subdue the kelipah and sitra achra, אשר כל חיותה היא רק בחינת גסות והגבהה whose entire being is simply grossness and arrogance; כמו שכתוב: אם תגביה כנשר וגו׳ […]
251 Repentance: ch. 07 p. 4
Video Audio Text והאיך נשברה רוח הסטרא אחרא, כשהלב נשבר ונדכה וכו׳ How is the spirit of the sitra achra broken? When the heart is broken and contrite….14 והאיך נשבר הלב ונדכה And how is the heart to be broken and humbled? הנה מעט מזעיר הוא על ידי סיגופים ותעניות Only a very minor part […]
252 Repentance: ch. 07 p. 5
Video Audio Text להתבונן במה שפעל ועשה בחטאיו, בחינת גלות השכינה כנ״ל to contemplate how through his sins he has brought about the exile of the Divine Presence, as noted above, וגרם לעקור נשמתו ונפשו האלקית מחיי החיים ברוך הוא and caused his spirit and Divine soul to be uprooted from the Divine Source of […]