Video Audio Text והנה עצה היעוצה לטהר לבו מכל עצב ונדנוד דאגה ממילי דעלמא, ואפילו בני חיי ומזוני Sound advice has been offered by our Sages on cleansing one’s heart of all sadness and any trace of worry about mundane matters, even a sadness or worry caused by the lack of such essentials as children, […]
Revised LITLIT P1 Rev
072 Intermediate: ch. 26 p. 3
Video Audio Text The Alter Rebbe now goes on to discuss a different type of sadness, that caused by one’s failings in matters of the spirit. אך העצבות ממילי דשמיא, צריך לשית עצות בנפשו ליפטר ממנה As for sadness connected with heavenly matters, one must seek ways and means of freeing oneself from it. אין […]
073 Intermediate: ch. 27 p. 1
Video Audio Text In the previous chapter the Alter Rebbe stated that sadness hinders one’s service of G‑d in general, and his battle with the Yetzer Hara in particular. He therefore discussed means of overcoming sadness caused by material concerns, and by anxiety over one’s sins. In this chapter and the next, he will discuss […]
074 Intermediate: ch. 27 p. 2
Video Audio Text ושני מיני נחת רוח לפניו יתברך למעלה For there are two kinds of Divine pleasure: אחת, מביטול הסטרא אחרא לגמרי, ואתהפכא ממרירו למתקא ומחשוכא לנהורא, על ידי הצדיקים one, from the complete annihilation of the sitra achra, and the conversion of bitter to sweet and of darkness to light (— the former […]
075 Intermediate: ch. 28
Video Audio Text In the previous chapter the Alter Rebbe taught that the Beinoni should not be distressed by the occurrence of sinful thoughts in his mind. On the contrary, he ought to rejoice, for by repulsing these thoughts and promptly averting his mind from them, he fulfills the commandment of “not going astray after […]
076 Intermediate: ch. 29 p. 1
Video Audio Text In ch. 26 the Alter Rebbe stated that both depression and dullness of heart produce a state of sluggishness which prevents a person from overcoming the evil inclination of the animal soul. He therefore outlined in chs. 26-28 methods of overcoming depression arising from various causes. In this chapter the Alter Rebbe […]
077 Intermediate: ch. 29 p. 2
Video Audio Text This means that one must crush the sitra achra and cast it to the ground by setting aside appointed times for humbling oneself and considering himself4 “despicable and contemptible,” as it is written. ולב נשבר רוח נשברה היא הסטרא אחרא, שהיא היא האדם עצמו בבינונים Now5 “A broken heart [leads to] a […]
078 Intermediate: ch. 29 p. 3
Video Audio Text ובפרט כשיזכור טומאת נפשו בחטאת נעורים, והפגם שעשה בעליונים, ושם הוא למעלה מהזמן, וכאלו פגם ונטמא היום, חס ושלום, ממש Especially so, if he calls to mind the contamination of his soul with the sin of youth, and the blemish he has wrought thereby in the supernal worlds —the source of his […]
079 Intermediate: ch. 29 p. 4
Video Audio Text והנה כל מה שיאריך בעניינים אלו במחשבתו, וגם בעיונו בספרים, להיות לבו נשבר בקרבו, ונבזה בעיניו נמאס ככתוב, בתכלית המיאוס, ולמאס חייו ממש, הרי בזה ממאס ומבזה הסטרא אחרא ומשפילה לעפר ומורידה מגדולתה וגסות רוחה וגבהותה, שמגביה את עצמה על אור קדושת נפש האלקית להחשיך אורה The longer he reflects on these […]
080 Intermediate: ch. 30 p. 1
Video Audio Text In ch. 29 the Alter Rebbe discussed various means of overcoming timtum halev — the state of insensitivity in which one’s heart is dull, and unresponsive to his contemplation of G‑d’s greatness. All these methods are aimed at crushing one’s spirit, whereby one crushes the cause of the timtum halev — the […]