041 Intermediate: ch. 13 p. 2

Video Audio Text Until now we have been speaking of a working man who does not have the opportunity to spend all his time in Torah study and divine service. Now the discussion turns to the individual who spends all his time immersed in the study of Torah. ואף מי שבתורת ה׳ חפצו, ויהגה בה […]

042 Intermediate: ch. 13 p. 3

Video Audio Text וכמאמר רז״ל: הלואי שיתפלל אדם כל היום כלו as, indeed, our Sages have said,10 “Would that a man pray the whole day long!” Such a Beinoni is constantly ablaze with the love of G‑d, and consequently his desire for evil is always dormant, as explained. Therefore, the absence of any evil desires […]

043 Intermediate: ch. 14 p. 1

Audio Text In previous chapters the Alter Rebbe explained that though the Beinoni is unsullied by sin in thought, speech or action, the internal evil of his animal soul remains strong enough to desire evil. That these desires do not find any practical expression is due only to the divine soul’s restraining them, with the […]

044 Intermediate: ch. 14 p. 2

Video Audio Text ובזה יובן כפל לשון השבועה: תהי צדיק ואל תהי רשע Now we may understand the repetitious wording in the oath administered to every Jew before birth, “Be a tzaddik and be not a rasha” (as quoted from the Talmud in the opening words of Tanya). דלכאורה תמוה, כי מאחר שמשביעים אותו: תהי […]

045 Intermediate: ch. 15 p. 1

Video Audio Text In the previous chapters, the Alter Rebbe discussed the difference between the tzaddik and the Beinoni. The tzaddik has no evil inclination. Since there is no longer any evil in his own soul, evil holds no attraction for him. In the Beinoni, however, the evil remains strong. The Beinoni therefore finds evil […]

046 Intermediate: ch. 15 p. 2

Video Audio Text ובזה יובן מ״ש בגמרא דעובד אלקים היינו מי ששונה פרקו מאה פעמים ואחד, ולא עבדו היינו מי ששונה פרקו מאה פעמים לבד This explains the Talmudic statement10 that “he who serves G‑d” refers to one who revises his studies 101 times, while “he who serves Him not” refers to one who revises […]

047 Intermediate: ch. 16 p. 1

Video Audio Text וזה כלל גדול בעבודת ה׳ לבינונים This, then, is the important principle regarding the divine service of the Beinoni: העיקר הוא למשול ולשלוט על הטבע שבחלל השמאלי The essential thing is to govern and rule the nature that is in the left part of the heart, על ידי אור ה׳ המאיר לנפש […]

048 Intermediate: ch. 16 p. 2

Video Audio Text כאלו עסק בהם בדחילו ורחימו ממש אשר בהתגלות לבו The love and fear referred to as tevunah, although not heartfelt emotions, nevertheless serve as “wings” for one’s Torah and mitzvot in the same way as if he practiced them with real fear and love as revealed in the heart, בחפיצה וחשיקה ותשוקה […]

049 Intermediate: ch. 17 p. 1

Video Audio Text ובזה יובן מה שכתוב With this explanation — that even a fear and love of G‑d which remain concealed in one’s mind and heart suffice to infuse one’s fulfillment of the commandments with vitality, thereby perfecting and elevating them, we will understand the verse:1 כי קרוב אליך הדבר מאד, בפיך ובלבבך לעשותו […]

050 Intermediate: ch. 17 p. 2

Video Audio Text אם לא מי שהוא רשע באמת This is true of everyone except he who is truly wicked — that is, not the Beinoni who is considered “like a rasha,” but one who is truly a rasha; in his case it cannot be said that his mind is master over his heart. כמאמר […]