021 Intermediate: ch. 06 p. 3

Video Audio Text ולכן נקרא עולם הזה ומלואו עולם הקליפות וסטרא אחרא That is why this world with all it contains is called the world of kelipot and sitra achra — despite the fact that this world, too, receives its vitality from G‑d’s holiness. Since the creatures of this physical world feel themselves to be […]

022 Intermediate: ch. 07 p. 1

Video Audio Text אך נפש החיונית הבהמית שבישראל שמצד הקליפה, המלובשת בדם האדם כנזכר לעיל However, unlike the life-forms mentioned at the conclusion of ch. 6, which are derived from the three wholly unclean kelipot, the following life-forms are derived from kelipat nogah: the vitalizing animal soul in the Jew, which is derived from the […]

023 Intermediate: ch. 07 p. 2

Video Audio Text The Alter Rebbe now provides an example of a “neutral” action or utterance that is derived from kelipat nogah and can thus be utilized for either good or evil, demonstrating how the action or word itself becomes holy when its motivation is for the sake of heaven, and how it is degraded […]

024 Intermediate: ch. 07 p. 3

Video Audio Text ואין עולים משם עד כי יבוא יומם ויבולע המות לנצח, כמו שכתוב: ואת רוח הטומאה אעביר מן הארץ They (the vitality of these prohibited acts) are not elevated from [the kelipot] until “their day comes” (the time when evil will totally disappear from the world), when “death (i.e., the kelipot, called ”death“ […]

025 Intermediate: ch. 07 p. 4

Video Audio Text ועל תשובה מאהבה רבה זו אמרו שזדונות נעשו לו כזכיות, הואיל ועל ידי זה בא לאהבה רבה זו [Only] concerning repentance out of such great love has it been said9 that [the penitent’s] premeditated sins become, for him, like virtues, since through them (through the sins which previously had distanced him from […]

026 Intermediate: ch. 08 p. 1

Video Audio Text ועוד זאת במאכלות אסורות, שלכך נקראים בשם איסור There is an additional aspect in the matter of forbidden foods, for which reason they are called issur (“bound” and attached): מפני שאף מי שאכל מאכל איסור בלא הודע, לשם שמים, לעבוד ה׳ בכח אכילה ההיא Even if one ate a forbidden food unwittingly […]

027 Intermediate: ch. 08 p. 2

Video Audio Text We shall now learn what is necessary for the rectification of permitted words not spoken for the sake of heaven. ועל דברים בטלים בהיתר, כגון עם הארץ שאינו יכול ללמוד As for innocent idle chatter, such as in the case of an ignoramus who cannot study, He who is able to study […]

028 Intermediate: ch. 08 p. 3

Video Audio Text ועוד זאת, יתירה טומאתה של חכמת האומות על טומאת דברים בטלים Moreover, the impurity of the science of the nations is greater than the impurity of idle speech; שאינו מלביש ומטמא רק המדות מיסוד הרוח הקדוש שבנפשו האלקית for the latter clothe and defile only the emotions [which emanate] from the holy […]

029 Intermediate: ch. 09 p. 1

Video Audio Text In the previous chapters the Alter Rebbe elaborated on the composition of the Jew’s divine soul with its ten holy soul-powers and three soul-garments, and his animal soul, with its corresponding ten powers and three garments originating in kelipah. In the present chapter the Alter Rebbe will discuss the battle fought within […]

030 Intermediate: ch. 09 p. 2

Video Audio Text The Alter Rebbe has thus established7 that each of these two souls has its own, separate abode and way of functioning. Lest we erroneously conclude that each soul goes about its own affairs, not interfering or concerning itself with those of the other, the Alter Rebbe continues: אך הנה כתיב: ולאום מלאום […]