Video Audio Text כי על ידי דביקה בתלמידי חכמים, קשורות נפש רוח ונשמה של עמי הארץ ומיוחדות במהותן הראשון ושרשם שבחכמה עילאה For, through attachment to the scholars, the Nefesh, Ruach and Neshamah of the ignorant are bound up and united with their original essence and their root in Supernal Wisdom, שהוא יתברך וחכמתו אחד, […]
Revised LITLIT P1 Rev
012 Intermediate: ch. 03 p. 1
Video Audio Text והנה כל בחינה ומדריגה משלש אלו, נפש רוח ונשמה, כלולה מעשר בחינות Now, each of these three distinctions and grades — Nefesh, Ruach and Neshamah — consists of ten faculties1 כנגד עשר ספירות עליונות שנשתלשלו מהן corresponding to the Ten Supernal Sefirot (divine manifestations,2 in which they originate and whence they descend. […]
013 Intermediate: ch. 03 p. 2
Video Audio Text ושוב יתלהב לבו באהבה עזה כרשפי אש, בחשיקה וחפיצה ותשוקה ונפש שוקקה Next his contemplation will give birth to the attribute of Chesed, expressed as a love of G‑d, so that his heart will glow with an intense love of G‑d like fiery flames, with a passion, desire and longing, and a […]
014 Intermediate: ch. 04 p. 1
Video Audio Text ועוד יש לכל נפש אלקית שלשה לבושים In addition [to its ten faculties — discussed in ch. 3], every divine soul (nefesh elokit) possesses three garments. The soul possesses three auxiliary powers, which are its instruments of expression. Like garments, they can be donned or shed at will. When the soul utilizes […]
015 Intermediate: ch. 04 p. 2
Video Audio Text Until now it has been explained that the divine soul has three garments in which it clothes itself: the thought, speech and action of Torah and the commandments. The Alter Rebbe now goes on to state that, unlike physical garments, which are less important than their wearer, the garments of the divine […]
016 Intermediate: ch. 04 p. 3
Video Audio Text ואף דהקדוש ברוך הוא נקרא אין סוף, ולגדולתו אין חקר, ולית מחשבה תפיסא ביה כלל Although the Holy One, blessed be He, is called Ein Sof (“Infinite”), and5 “His greatness can never be fathomed,” and6 “No thought can apprehend him at all,” וכן ברצונו וחכמתו and so are also His Will and […]
017 Intermediate: ch. 05 p. 1
Video Audio Text At the conclusion of the previous chapter, the Alter Rebbe depicted the study of Torah as a royal embrace: When one studies Torah, his intellect “embraces” and encompasses the Divine Will and wisdom — and thus he “embraces” the King of kings Himself, since “He and His wisdom are one.” In turn, […]
018 Intermediate: ch. 05 p. 2
Video Audio Text וזאת מעלה יתירה גדולה ונפלאה לאין קץ, אשר במצות ידיעת התורה והשגתה This is the distinctive, infinitely great and wonderful superiority of the mitzvah of knowing and comprehending Torah על כל המצות מעשיות, ואפילו על מצות התלויות בדבור, ואפילו על מצות תלמוד תורה שבדיבור over all the mitzvot involving action, and even […]
019 Intermediate: ch. 06 p. 1
Video Audio Text In the previous chapters the Alter Rebbe discussed the divine soul; its ten faculties — three intellectual and seven emotional — and its three garments by which it expresses itself, namely, the thought, speech and action of Torah and the mitzvot. He explained that the garments of the divine soul are actually […]
020 Intermediate: ch. 06 p. 2
Video Audio Text וצד הקדושה אינו אלא השראה והמשכה מקדושתו של הקדוש ברוך הוא The side of holiness is nothing but the indwelling and extension of G‑d’s holiness. ואין הקדוש ברוך הוא שורה אלא על דבר שבטל אצלו יתברך, בין בפועל ממש, כמלאכים עליונים Now, G‑d dwells only on that which is surrendered to Him, […]