181 Intermediate: ch. 53 p. 3

Video Audio Text ותרי״ג מצות התורה, עם שבע מצות דרבנן, בגימטריא כת״ר, שהוא רצון העליון ברוך הוא And the 613 commandments of the Torah, together with the seven commandments of our Rabbis, combine to total the numerical equivalent of Keter (“crown”), which is the Supernal Will, Will is called a crown, for like a crown […]

182 Intermediate: ch. 53 p. 4

Video Audio Text The Alter Rebbe now concludes what he began to elucidate (in ch. 51) concerning the statement of the Yenuka in the Zohar — that the light of the Shechinah which shines above the head of a person needs oil. The Yenuka concludes, “…and these are good deeds” — the oil is the […]