Video Audio Text והנה על המשכת כל התרי״ג מיני כוחות וחיות מהעלם הנשמה אל הגוף להחיותו Now, concerning the flow of all the 613 kinds of functional powers and vital forces which are drawn from the concealment of the soul, where they are previously hidden, and from where they are now drawn to the body […]
Revised LITLIT P1 Rev
172 Intermediate: ch. 51 p. 5
Video Audio Text וככה ממש, על דרך משל, אין סוף ברוך הוא ממלא כל עלמין להחיותם In a truly similar manner, figuratively speaking, does the blessed Ein Sof fill all worlds so as to animate them. There is a marked similarity between the soul pervading the body and Ein Sof permeating all the worlds: Just […]
173 Intermediate: ch. 51 p. 6
Video Audio Text Were there merely to be a vast quantity of ethereal garments, the Divine life-force would only be capable of creating spiritual beings and not physical ones; in order for this physical world with its corporeal creatures to be created, much denser garments were necessary. It is this that the Alter Rebbe now […]
174 Intermediate: ch. 52 p. 1
Video Audio Text In the previous chapter the Alter Rebbe began to expound upon the theme of the indwelling of the Shechinah, which resided in the Holy of Holies and likewise in other places. He asked: “Is not the whole world filled with His glory?” Since there is no place void of Him, what do […]
175 Intermediate: ch. 52 p. 2
Video Audio Text וכולן אינן רק מהתפשטות החיות והאור מהמקור הזה, הנקרא שכינה all of them — all the Worlds, creatures and souls — being derived only from the extension of the vitality and light which extends and streams forth from this source which is called Shechinah, כהתפשטות האור מהשמש in a manner resembling the […]
176 Intermediate: ch. 52 p. 3
Video Audio Text ובירידתה בהשתלשלות מעולם לעולם, גם השכינה ירדה ונתלבשה בה בכל עולם ועולם As [this wisdom] came down by progressive descents from World to World, the Shechinah, too, came down and clothed itself in it in each World. Thus, within the Supernal Wisdom which descends into each World is to be found the […]
177 Intermediate: ch. 52 p. 4
Video Audio Text ובהתלבשות מלכות דאצילות במלכות דבריאה, מתלבשת בהיכל קדשי קדשים דיצירה, שהוא חב״ד דיצירה By virtue of the clothing of Malchut of Atzilut in Malchut of Beriah9 it then clothes itself in the shrine of the Holy of Holies of Yetzirah, this being the ChaBaD of Yetzirah — the Chochmah, Binah and Daat […]
178 Intermediate: ch. 52 p. 5
Video Audio Text Note by the Rebbe (footnote #9) The Rebbe addresses the question of why the Alter Rebbe repeats, “By virtue of the clothing of Malchut of Atzilut in Malchut of Beriah,” when it had already been stated: “Through the fact that [the latter Sefirot] clothe themselves in the Malchut of Beriah….” He answers: […]
179 Intermediate: ch. 53 p. 1
Video Audio Text The Alter Rebbe explained in the previous chapter that the light of the Shechinah, an illumination utterly transcending the realm of the world, must have a “garment” which enables it to radiate there. The “garment” of the Shechinah is Torah. In every World there is found the “intelligence” of that particular World, […]
180 Intermediate: ch. 53 p. 2
Video Audio Text The Alter Rebbe now answers the following question: Inasmuch as the Temple was located in this physical world, how was it possible for the Shechinah to be found there to a higher degree than in the upper Worlds? He answers: כי עשרת הדברות הן כללות התורה כולה For the Ten Commandments are […]