161 Intermediate: ch. 49 p. 2

Video Audio Text ובזה יובן טוב טעם ודעת לתקנת חכמים, שתקנו ברכות קריאת שמע: שתים לפניה כו׳, דלכאורה אין להן שייכות כלל עם קריאת שמע, כמו שכתבו הרשב״א ושאר פוסקים This will enable one to understand the eminently reasonable explanation of the Rabbinic enactment (Mishnah, Berachot 1:4) ordaining the recitation of the blessings of the […]

162 Intermediate: ch. 49 p. 3

Video Audio Text ואחר כך ברכה שניה Then follows the second blessing, which declares G‑d’s great love of the Jewish people. Notwithstanding the lofty service and the subjugation of all the heavenly angels, G‑d saw fit to set them all aside, as it were, choosing instead to delight in the service of His people below. […]

163 Intermediate: ch. 49 p. 4

Video Audio Text אך איך היא בחינת אתדבקות רוחא ברוחא But how does the attachment of spirit to Spirit take place? I.e., what measures are to be taken if one seeks to desire to “only cleave to Him”? לזה אמר: והיו הדברים האלה גו׳ על לבבך, ודברת בם גו׳ To this end it is stated, […]

164 Intermediate: ch. 50 p. 1

Video Audio Text   This chapter warrants a brief introduction.1 In previous chapters, Tanya has discussed various levels and forms of love of G‑d, each of which can inspire one to study Torah and observe mitzvot with increased enthusiasm. In all these levels, the love consists of a yearning to become joined with G‑d, or […]

165 Intermediate: ch. 50 p. 2

Video Audio Text מבחינת גבורות עליונות דבינה עילאה This derives from the level of the Higher Gevurot of the Higher Binah. In other words, the source of this love is from the level of Gevurah in Binah. דהיינו, שעל ידי התבוננות בגדולת אין סוף ברוך הוא, דכולא קמיה כלא ממש חשיב The arousal of this […]

166 Intermediate: ch. 50 p. 3

Video Audio Text והיינו על ידי תגבורת יסוד האש אלקי שבנפש האלקית This results from the predominance of the element of divine Fire that is in the divine soul, unlike other forms of love which derive from the element of Water in the divine soul. ומזה באה לידי צמאון, וכמו שכתוב: צמאה לך נפשי From […]

167 Intermediate: ch. 50 p. 4

Video Audio Text The Alter Rebbe will now explain that since this love of G‑d is such that the soul is on the verge of expiring, it cannot inspire one directly to serve G‑d through Torah and mitzvot. והנה סדר העבודה בעסק התורה והמצות, הנמשכת מבחינת אהבה עזה זו, היא בבחינת שוב לבד The order […]

168 Intermediate: ch. 51 p. 1

Video Audio Text The title-page of Tanya tells us that the entire work is based upon the verse (Devarim 30:14), “For this thing (the Torah) is very near to you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may do it.” And the concluding phrase (“that you may do it”) implies that the ultimate […]

169 Intermediate: ch. 51 p. 2

Video Audio Text שכמו שנשמת האדם היא ממלאה כל רמ״ח אברי הגוף, מראשו ועד רגלו By way of analogy: The human soul2 pervades all 248 organs of the body, from head (the highest part of the body) to foot (the lowest part of the body); The soul pervades the body to the extent that no […]

170 Intermediate: ch. 51 p. 3

Video Audio Text The manner in which the organ receives the latter life-force and functional power can be explained in two ways. One is that the life-force emanating from the soul to the organ is utterly “plain” and uncompounded, possessing none of the diverse qualities and powers of the various organs. According to this explanation, […]