151 Intermediate: ch. 46 p. 5

Video Audio Text כי תורה אחת לכולנו for we all have one Torah: the laws of the Torah apply equally to all Jews. From all the above it becomes eminently clear that though a person may not feel the sanctity brought about by the performance of a mitzvah, so much so that he is likened […]

152 Intermediate: ch. 47 p. 1

Video Audio Text Ch. 46 began with the Alter Rebbe explaining yet another simple and straightforward means by which every Jew can arrive at a great love of G‑d, thereby enhancing his performance of Torah and mitzvot. This is done by utilizing the love which comes into being “as water mirrors the face to the […]

153 Intermediate: ch. 47 p. 2

Video Audio Text But as for us, the children of Abraham, for us it is a heritage and a gift, in that He has given us His Torah and has clothed in it His Will and wisdom, which are united with His Essence and Being in perfect unity; והרי זה כאלו נתן לנו את עצמו, […]

154 Intermediate: ch. 48 p. 1

Video Audio Text Having previously explained that G‑d showed his love for the Jewish people by taking them out of the physical servitude of Egypt, the Alter Rebbe concluded ch. 47 by describing the love G‑d shows His people by releasing them from a spiritual dimension of Egyptian bondage. This spiritual Exodus is daily manifest […]

155 Intermediate: ch. 48 p. 2

Video Audio Text והנה, פרטיות הצמצומים איך ומה, אין כאן מקום ביאורם Now, as for the intricate details of the “contractions”, how they achieve their effect and what they actually are, — this is not the place for their explanation. אך דרך כלל הן הם בחינת הסתר והעלם המשכת האור והחיות But in general they […]

156 Intermediate: ch. 48 p. 3

Video Audio Text וככה ממש היא בחינת ההארה מועטת זו, המתלבשת בעולמות עליונים ותחתונים, להשפיע בהם להחיותם So, indeed, is the utterly insignificant quality of this minute illumination — after the “contraction” — which clothes itself in the higher and lower worlds in order to provide them with sustenance and life, לגבי אור הגנוז ונעלם, […]

157 Intermediate: ch. 48 p. 4

Video Audio Text מה שאין כן ההשפעה שאינה בבחינת גילוי אלא בהסתר והעלם, ואין העולמות משיגים אותה, אינה נקראת מתלבשת, אלא מקפת וסובבת whereas the influence which does not come within the category of “revelation”, but remains obscured and concealed, and is not apprehended by the worlds, is not described as being “invested” in them […]

158 Intermediate: ch. 48 p. 5

Video Audio Text ולקרב אל השכל יותר הוא בדרך משל Let us make this more intelligible by means of an example. A further example is needed in order to clarify this paradox — how G‑dliness simultaneously pervades the world and yet remains aloof from it, encircling and encompassing it (as it were) from above, and […]

159 Intermediate: ch. 48 p. 6

Video Audio Text אך ידיעתו יתברך המיוחדת במהותו ועצמותו, כי הוא המדע והוא היודע והוא הידוע But His knowledge which is united with His essence and being, for “He is the Knowledge, the Knower, and the Known, It has been previously explained (in ch. 2) that G‑d’s knowledge and intellect are totally different from man’s. […]

160 Intermediate: ch. 49 p. 1

Video Audio Text The Alter Rebbe explained in the previous chapter that since the light and life drawn down from G‑d is infinite — Ein Sof, as its name indicates — therefore in order for this finite world to be created, the Divine light had to undergo a multitude of contractions (tzimtzumim). This was the […]