131 Intermediate: ch. 42 p. 3

Video Audio Text רק מאחר שנתלבשה הנפש בגוף, צריכה ליגיעה רבה ועצומה, כפולה ומכופלת Only, since the soul has clothed itself in the body, it needs a great and mighty exertion, doubled and redoubled, in order to feel and be attached to G‑d. While it is true that the soul has this capacity by dint […]

132 Intermediate: ch. 42 p. 4

Video Audio Text ומכל מקום, בקושי ובחזקה, שתתחזק מאד מחשבתו באומץ ויגיעה רבה ועומק גדול, להעמיק בגדולת ה׳ שעה גדולה Nevertheless, with difficulty and with forceful effort, when his thought greatly exerts itself with vigor and great toil and intense concentration, immersing [itself] in contemplation of the greatness of G‑d for a long time, The […]

133 Intermediate: ch. 42 p. 5

Video Audio Text וגם כי אין לו דמות הגוף And although He has no bodily likeness, How, then, can we possibly say that G‑d possesses an “eye” and “ear”, organs that are part of a physical body? הרי אדרבה, הכל גלוי וידוע לפניו ביתר שאת לאין קץ מראיית העין ושמיעת האזן, על דרך משל yet, […]

134 Intermediate: ch. 42 p. 6

Video Audio Text In describing earlier the fear a Jew should possess for G‑d, the Alter Rebbe said that it should be similar to the fear felt “when one stands before a king,” for G‑d is omnipresent and observes all man’s actions. A question arises: When one stands before a king, he is not only […]

135 Intermediate: ch. 42 p. 7

Video Audio Text הגהה *NOTE The Alter Rebbe will now say that by looking at heaven and earth one not only becomes aware of their G‑dly vitalizing force, but also perceives how the world and all its inhabitants are truly nullified to the divine life-force. This can be perceived by observing the stars and planets, […]

136 Intermediate: ch. 43 p. 1

Video Audio Text The Alter Rebbe explained in the previous chapter that every Jew has the ability to attain yirah tata‘ah, the lower level of fear of G‑d. This enables him to perform all the positive commandments and refrain from transgressing all the negative commandments. In the present chapter the Alter Rebbe goes on to […]

137 Intermediate: ch. 43 p. 2

Video Audio Text אך היראה עילאה, ירא בשת However, as for yirah ila‘ah, a fear stemming from a sense of shame before G‑d’s greatness, Fear of G‑d stemming from a sense of shame is similar to the shame and total sense of abnegation a person feels when he is in the presence of a truly […]

138 Intermediate: ch. 43 p. 3

Video Audio Text The Alter Rebbe now explains that there are also two general levels in the love of God. The higher level is called ahavah rabbah (“great love”). It is a gift from above, granted to an individual after he has attained the level of yirah ila‘ah. This love is so lofty that one […]

139 Intermediate: ch. 43 p. 4

Video Audio Text אך אהבת עולם היא הבאה מהתבונה ודעת בגדולת ה׳, אין סוף ברוך הוא, הממלא כל עלמין וסובב כל עלמין Ahavat olam, however, the second and lower level of love, is that which comes from the understanding and knowledge of the greatness of G‑d, the blessed Ein Sof, Who fills all worlds, animating […]

140 Intermediate: ch. 43 p. 5

Video Audio Text והנה בחינת אהבה זו, פעמים שקודמת ליראה, כפי בחינת הדעת המולידה, כנודע שהדעת כולל חסדים וגבורות, שהם אהבה ויראה This [latter] category of love sometimes precedes fear, according to the quality of the Daat which fathers it, as is known. (17For Daat incorporates both Chassadim and Gevurot, which are love and fear; […]