Video Audio Text A discussion on the theme “if you don’t respect g-d you don’t respect people”. this is the challenge of our times
Revised LITLIT P1 Rev
122 Intermediate: ch. 41 p. 2
Video Audio Text As mentioned in the title-page of Tanya, this work is based on the verse, “For this thing is very near to you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may do it.” This means that observing the Torah and the mitzvot with one’s heart, with a love and fear of […]
123 Intermediate: ch. 41 p. 3
Video Audio Text ואזי אף אם בכל זאת לא תפול עליו אימה ופחד בהתגלות לבו In such a case, i.e., having contemplated this matter, then: even though after all this [meditation] no fear or dread descends upon him in a manifest manner in his heart, מכל מקום מאחר שמקבל עליו מלכות שמים וממשיך עליו יראתו […]
124 Intermediate: ch. 41 p. 4
Video Audio Text After all this has been said, the Alter Rebbe will now say, that although this person fails to experience the fear even in his mind, yet since he thinks about those ideas which should evoke fear, he is fulfilling the command of fearing G‑d. ועוד, שבאמת מקיים גם מצות יראה במה שממשיך […]
125 Intermediate: ch. 41 p. 5
Video Audio Text אך אמנם אמרו רז״ל: לעולם אל יוציא אדם עצמו מן הכלל Yet in fact, the Sages, of blessed memory, have said18 that “a man should never separate himself from the community.” לכן יתכוין ליחד ולדבקה בו יתברך, מקור נפשו האלקית ומקור נפשות כל ישראל Therefore he should intend to unite and attach […]
126 Intermediate: ch. 41 p. 6
Video Audio Text It has been previously noted that it is not enough to intend to unify one’s own soul with G‑d through the performance of Torah and mitzvot; one must also seek to unite the source of all the souls of Israel with the infinite Ein Sof-light. In point of fact, there is quite […]
127 Intermediate: ch. 41 p. 7
Video Audio Text The Alter Rebbe will now go on to say that a Jew’s desire for his own soul to be united with its source is an utterly honest one, for every Jew possesses an innate love of G‑d. אבל יחוד נפשו והתכללותה באור ה׳ להיות לאחדים But the union of the person’s own […]
128 Intermediate: ch. 41 p. 8
Video Audio Text וכשלומד שעות הרבה רצופות, יש לו להתבונן בהכנה זו הנ״ל בכל שעה ושעה על כל פנים And when he studies for a number of consecutive hours he should reflect on the preparedness referred to above, at least at hourly intervals. כי בכל שעה ושעה היא המשכה אחרת מעולמות עליונים להחיות התחתונים, והמשכת […]
129 Intermediate: ch. 42 p. 1
Video Audio Text In the previous chapter the Alter Rebbe explained that fear of G‑d is a prerequisite to divine service. Every Jew is capable of attaining this level, by contemplating how “G‑d stands over him” and “searches his reins and heart [to see] if he is serving Him as is fitting.” This thought will […]
130 Intermediate: ch. 42 p. 2
Video Audio Text ועוד זאת, יתר על כן, בכל דור ודור יורדין ניצוצין מנשמת משה רבנו, עליו השלום, ומתלבשין בגוף ונפש של חכמי הדור, עיני העדה In addition and beyond this pervasive influence to the community as a whole, there descend, in every generation, sparks from the soul of our teacher Moses, peace unto him, […]