001 Intermediate: Approbations

Video Audio Text Approbations Concerning the approbations of the tzaddikim, Rabbi Yehudah Leib HaKohen1 and Rabbi Zusya,2 the previous Rebbe3 cites a tradition originating with the Mitteler Rebbe, the son of the author of the Tanya, as follows. For twenty years the Alter Rebbe wrote the Tanya, revising, adding and deleting,4 critically examining every word […]

002 Intermediate: Compilers Foreword p1

Video Audio Text Compiler’s Foreword As we have seen from the title page, the Alter Rebbe perceives himself as a mere compiler rather than as an author. והיא אגרת השלוחה לכללות אנשי שלומינו יצ״ו יברכם צורנו וישמרם Being a letter sent to all Anash — members of our fellowship, i.e., the chassidim), may [G‑d] our […]

003 Intermediate: Compilers Foreword p2

Video Audio Text אך ביודעיי ומכיריי קאמינא, הם כל אחד ואחד מאנשי שלומנו שבמדינתינו וסמוכות שלה I speak, however, of those who know me well, each and every one of Anash of our country and those countries nearby, אשר היה הדיבור של חיבה מצוי בינינו with whom affectionate words were often exchanged in private audience, […]

004 Intermediate: Title Page

Video Audio Text Title Page The title page written by the Alter Rebbe reads as follows: ספר לקוטי אמרים חלק ראשון הנקרא בשם ספר של בינונים מלוקט מפי ספרים ומפי סופרים קדושי עליון נ״ע מיוסד על פסוק כי קרוב אליך הדבר מאד בפיך ובלבבך לעשותו לבאר היטב איך הוא קרוב מאד בדרך ארוכה וקצרה בעזה״י […]

005 Intermediate: ch. 01 p. 1

Video Audio Text תניא בסוף פרק ג׳ דנדה: משביעים אותו We have learned (Niddah, end of ch. 3):1 “An oath is administered to him: Before a Jew is born an oath is administered to him in heaven, charging him: תהי צדיק ואל תהי רשע, ואפילו כל העולם כולו אומרים לך צדיק אתה היה בעיניך כרשע […]

006 Intermediate: ch. 01 p. 2

Video Audio Text הגהה ומה שכתוב בזהר חלק ג׳ דף רל״א: כל שממועטין עונותיו וכו׳ — NOTE As for what is written in the Zohar III, p. 231: “He whose sins are few [is classed as a ‘righteous man who suffers’],” implying that even according to the Zohar the meaning of a “righteous man who […]

007 Intermediate: ch. 01 p. 3

Video Audio Text אך ביאור הענין However, the explanation of the matter, so that we better understand the levels of tzaddik and Beinoni, as well as the various gradations within their ranks, על פי מה שכתב הרב חיים ויטאל ז״ל בשער הקדושה ובעץ חיים שער נ׳ פרק ב׳ [is to be found] in light of […]

008 Intermediate: ch. 02 p. 1

Video Audio Text ונפש השנית בישראל היא חלק אלו-ה ממעל ממש The second, uniquely Jewish, soul is truly “a part of G‑d above,” “A part of G‑d above” is a quotation from Scripture (Iyov 31:2). The Alter Rebbe adds the word “truly” to stress the literal meaning of these words. For, as is known,1 some […]

009 Intermediate: ch. 02 p. 2

Video Audio Text ודבר זה אין ביכולת האדם להבינו על בוריו כו׳ Maimonides continues: “And this is not within the power of any man to comprehend clearly”; כדכתיב: החקר אלו-ה תמצא, וכתיב: כי לא מחשבותי מחשבותיכם וגו׳ as it is written,11 “Can you find and understand G‑d by searching?” And it is also written,12 “For […]

010 Intermediate: ch. 02 p. 3

Video Audio Text The Alter Rebbe now addresses a difficulty arising from his previous statement that every soul emanates from Divine wisdom. Since all souls emanate from one source — Supernal Wisdom — it should follow that all souls are of the same level and rank. How then do the various levels and ranks found […]