Video Audio Text One of the foundations of our faith is the belief that Moshiach may arrive at any moment. How do we develop a feeling that Moshiach’s coming is imminent?
Revised LITLIT Gem Rev
Chassidic Gems: Rabbi Krasnianski introduction to Tanya
Video Audio Text 19 Kislev Farbrengen – Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski Siyuym HaTanya
Chassidic Gems: Rebbe and Jew
Video Audio Text
Chassidic Gems: Response to Tragedy
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Chassidic Gems: Shabbat a Day of Re-Jew-venation
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Chassidic Gems: Siyum HaRambam
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Chassidic Gems: The 12th and 13th of Tammuz – a Festival of Liberation
Video Audio Text The 12th and 13th of Tammuz marks the anniversary of the liberation of the previous Rebbe, the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, from Soviet imprisonment.
Chassidic Gems: The idolatry of money
Video Audio Text
Chassidic Gems: The Kabbalah of the Beard
Video Audio Text The Kabbalah of the Beard
Chassidic Gems: The Seventh Generation
Video Audio Text The Seventh Generation: The transitional generation, the last generation of exile and the first generation of redemption.