Jewish Holidays: Shavuot – Part 1 – video

Loading the player… Sinai: The Marriage Between Heaven and Earth A Chassidic Perspective on Shavuot, Part 1 The giving of the Torah reconciles the dichotomy in everything and reveals the unifying essence in both the spiritual and the material.

Jewish Holidays: Shavuot – Part 2 – video

Loading the player… Sinai: Total Transformation A Chassidic Perspective on Shavuot, Part 2 Shavuot, when we received the Torah at Sinai, is the culmination of the Exodus on Passover. Yet, on Passover we stay clear of the smallest amount of chometz, but on Shavuot two loaves of leavened bread were offered in the Holy Temple.

Jewish Holidays: Tu B’Shevat – video

Dear Rabbi Krasnianski, you are so right, you have made me come to a realization. We are instructed in Torah before we come to this world. And are given free choice. If we return to Him, and ask Him to teach us His ways, and to love the way He loves us, He listen to […]