The Spark Within Us All

Never would have imagined the depths, breaths, and escapades one’s mind or conscious can take you once you can grasp just a “drop” of Tanya! Elisheva IA

Unconscious people

When people live a life without the knowledge of HaShem and lead a life of misdeeds they are unconscious of the serious effects within the soul the impact on this earth and the resonance within the universe and ultimately towards HaShem. The hardest apart of life is turning to HaShem with a broken and contrite […]


WOW! I have stumbled onto something huge with this website on the Rosh Chodash Tevet Sabbath. This is truly a miracle for me this Chanukah 2012. Thank you Hashem for essences of creation! Scott Cunningham Boca Raton, FL Kabbalah: The Absurdity of Sin video