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Chassidic Gems
Chassidic Gems: Response to Tragedy – video
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Chassidic Gems: Shabbat a Day of Re-Jew-venation
Chassidic Gems: Shabbat a Day of Re-Jew-venation – audio
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Chassidic Gems: Shabbat a Day of Re-Jew-venation – video
Loading the player… What are the spiritual underpinnings of Shabbat that makes it a sacred day of rest? This class explains the deeper understanding of why we rest and celebrate Shabbat
Chassidic Gems: Siyum HaRambam
Chassidic Gems: Siyum HaRambam – audio
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Chassidic Gems: Siyum HaRambam – video
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Chassidic Gems: The 12th and 13th of Tammuz – a Festival of Liberation
Loading the player… The 12th and 13th of Tammuz marks the anniversary of the liberation of the previous Rebbe, the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, from Soviet imprisonment.
Chassidic Gems: The idolatry of money
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