434 Thesis: Essay 07 p. 02

433 Thesis: Essay 07 p. 01
435 Thesis: Essay 07 p. 03




ואותיות איתן משמשות לעתיד

The letters that spell the [Hebrew] word eitan [each] indicate the future tense.

At a deeper level, this term thus hints at future revelation: in the Time to Come there will be a revelation of the spiritual degree called eitan.

פירוש: אנא עתיד לאתגליא

This means,8 “I am destined to reveal myself”; that which is presently in a state of concealment is destined to become manifest in the Time to Come;

כמו שכתוב: הנה ישכיל עבדי וגו׳

as it is written,9 “Behold, My servant will prosper…” — i.e., in the future.

והיינו, שיתגלה אז אור אין סוף ברוך הוא ויחודו יתברך תוך פנימיות נקודת הלב

This means that at that time — with the arrival of Mashiach, about whom the verse states “My servant will prosper” — the [infinite] Ein Sof-light and the Divine Unity will be revealed within the innermost point of one’s heart,

על ידי המשכת נחל איתן, הוא הארת חכמה עילאה שיאיר בפנימיות הלב

by the calling forth of the “mighty river,” which is a radiance of the Supernal Wisdom that will illuminate the inwardness of the heart,

ליבטל ביחודו יתברך בתכלית, מעומקא דלבא

so that one will be nullified utterly in the Divine Unity, from the depths of one’s heart,

אחרי הסרת הערלה מתאוות הגשמיות וכו׳

after it has been cleared of the [obscuring] orlah of physical lusts, and so on.

When the metaphorical orlah (lit., “foreskin”) will then be removed (as in the verse,10 “And you shall excise the orlah of your heart,” and likewise,11 “The L‑rd your G‑d will circumcise your heart”), nothing will hide the innermost core of the heart. It will then be possible for the heart to experience the utter self-nullification of the Neshamah to G‑d, that derives from the revelation of Chochmah in the soul.

This essential soul-level reflects all three above-mentioned connotations of eitan — the resolute “vigor” of the soul’s essence, its unswerving “toughness”, and the hoary “antiquity” of this bequest to the Jewish people from the Patriarchs of old.

והנה עתה, בגלות החל הזה

At present as well, during the exile of this folk,12

יש גם כן עצה יעוצה, להאיר קצת אור ה׳ מבחינת איתן לתוך נקודת פנימיות הלב, כעין לעתיד

counsel is offered [herewith] as to how to bring a glimmer of the illumination of the light of G‑d from the state of eitan into the innermost point of the heart, as in the Time to Come.

והיינו, על ידי שמעורר על ניצוץ אלקות שבנפשו, בחינת רחמים רבים העליונים

This is [attained] by arousing the abounding Divine mercies for the G‑dly spark within one’s soul.

כי באמת, כל זמן שאין האדם זוכה שיתגלה אור ה׳ מבחינת איתן בנקודת פנימיות לבבו

For in truth, so long as a man does not merit the revelation of the light of G‑d from the state of eitan in the innermost core of his heart,

ליבטל ביחודו יתברך מעומקא דלבא, עד כלות הנפש ממש

so that he becomes nullified in the Divine unity, until the very expiry of the soul,

אזי באמת יש רחמנות גדולה על הניצוץ שבנפשו

then the spark within his soul is indeed to be pitied.

כי הניצוץ נמשך מבחינת חכמה עילאה ממש

For that spark is drawn from the state of the Supernal Wisdom itself,

וכשאינו יכול להאיר מבחינתו לתוך פנימיות הלב

and when it cannot illuminate from its own state — from the state of Chochmah that is utterly nullified to G‑d — into the innermost core of the heart,

ששם מקום גילוי הארה זו

which is the proper place for the revelation of this illumination,

הרי זה בבחינת גלות ממש

then it is really and truly in exile.

For what is exile if not the shackling of one’s gifts?

ועל ידי רחמים רבים העליונים, יוצא מהגלות והשביה

Through the plentiful Supernal mercies, however, that are drawn down upon the soul, it goes out of exile and imprisonment,

ומאיר לתוך נקודת פנימיות הלב בחינת אהבה רבה זו

and illuminates the innermost core of the heart with this great love,

כנודע ממה שכתוב: ליעקב אשר פדה את אברהם

as is known from the verse,13 “For…Jacob who redeemed Abraham,”

וכמו שכתוב בלקוטי אמרים, פרק מ״ה

as expounded in Likkutei Amarim, ch. 45.

The Midrash14 teaches that Abraham was saved in the future merit of Jacob, who was destined to descend from him.

In spiritual terms:15 When Abraham’s characteristic attribute, kindness and love, remains latent within a Jew, it is revealed and redeemed by Jacob’s characteristic attribute — mercy.

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