אבל פרטי ההלכות הן המשכות חכמה עילאה דהמאציל ברוך הוא, המלובשת בגשמיות
However, the detailed laws of the various mitzvot are drawn from the Supreme Wisdom of the Emanator, blessed be He, which is clothed in physicality, within the physical objects to which a particular law applies, such as the law governing the case of62 “he who exchanges a cow for a donkey,” and the like.
והלבשה זו אינה כהלבשת חכמה עילאה בדחילו ורחימו שכליים
This investment of Supreme Wisdom in the physical aspects of the laws is not similar to the investment of Supreme Wisdom in intellectually-generated fear and love,
Supreme Wisdom is actually vested in all things, as is soon to be explained. This is especially so with regard to the love and awe which are aroused by intellectual activity, for the source of all such activity is Supreme Wisdom. In intellectually-aroused love and awe, however, the vestiture takes on a different form.
דהתם הלבוש הוא מעלים ומסתיר לגמרי
for there the garment conceals and completely obscures the Supreme Wisdom that is vested within it,
כהסתר והעלם הארץ החומריית לגבי חכמה עילאה המלובשת בה
just as the material earth thoroughly conceals the Supreme Wisdom clothed within it;
כמו שכתוב: כולם בחכמה עשית
as it is written concerning all created beings,63 “All of them You made with Wisdom.”
Supreme Wisdom is thus vested within all physical things as well, even the earth — which, however, completely conceals it, just as intellectually-aroused love and awe conceal the Supreme Wisdom vested in them.
והיינו, חיצוניות דחיצוניות דכלים דמלכות דאצילות שבעשיה, שהיא מסותרת לגמרי ברוח נפש דעשיה
This [Supreme Wisdom] is the externality of the externality of the vessels of Malchut of Atzilut found in Asiyah, that is absolutely hidden in the Ruach-Nefesh of Asiyah.
Malchut of Atzilut with the externality of the externality of its vessels is wholly concealed in Ruach-Nefesh of Asiyah. Malchut of Atzilut itself, even the externality of the externality of its vessels, belongs to the realm of the Neshamah and of Divinity proper — yet it is entirely hidden within Nefesh-Ruach, which belongs to the realm of created beings.
Since Supreme Wisdom is vested in Malchut of Atzilut, and Malchut of Atzilut illumines Asiyah with its Ten Sefirot, containing as they do the element of Wisdom as well, we thus have Supreme Wisdom entirely concealed within the physical earth.
וכן בבריאה היא מסותרת לגמרי ברוח נפש
So too in Beriah it is completely hidden in the Ruach-Nefesh [of Beriah],
שהם בחינת נבראים בהסתר והעלם הבורא מהנברא
which are beings that are created by the concealment and hiding of the Creator from the created.
We thus have here an element of Supreme Wisdom concealed within intellectually-aroused love and fear, the source of which is the World of Beriah, the realm of comprehension.
מה שאין כן ההלכות, הרי הארת החכמה מאירה בהן בגילוי
This is not so, however, with regard to the laws, in which a radiance of Wisdom illuminates them manifestly; they do not conceal it.
ולבוש העשיה הוא דרך מעבר לבד
The garment of Asiyah serves merely as a passage,
Though the laws vested in the physical things of this world (the physical World of Asiyah) are thus subject to the concealment that pervades Asiyah, they are not garbed in it to the point that the garment essentially affects the wearer, for they merely pass through the garment of Asiyah.