208 Unity: ch. 07 p. 10

207 Unity: ch. 07 p. 09
209 Unity: ch. 07 p. 11



וזהו גם כן ענין סובב כל עלמין

And this is also the meaning of “He encompassess all worlds.”

This does not mean to say (heaven forfend) that G‑d is not found within the worlds but merely encompasses them. Rather:

פירוש, דרך משל: כשאדם מתבונן באיזה דבר חכמה בשכלו, או דבר גשמי במחשבתו

This means, by way of analogy: When a person reflects upon an intellectual subject in his mind or upon a physical object in his thoughts,

אזי שכלו ומחשבתו מקיפים על הדבר ההוא המצויר במחשבתו או בשכלו

then his intellect and thought encompass that subject whose image is formed in his thought or in his mind, inasmuch as they are found within his thought and mind,

אך אין מקיפים על הדבר ההוא ממש בפועל ממש

but they — his intellect and thought — do not encompass that subject in actual fact.

They merely encompass his image of the subject, not the actual subject. When one envisions a table, the actual physical table is of course not found within the brain; it is merely its image that is encompassed there.

אבל הקב״ה, דכתיב ביה: כי לא מחשבותי מחשבותיכם וגו׳

The Holy One, blessed be He, however, of Whom it is written,22 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts…,”

מחשבתו וידיעתו, שיודע כל הנבראים, מקפת כל נברא ונברא בפועל ממש

His thought and knowledge of all created beings actually encompass each and every creature;

שהרי היא היא חיותו והתהוותו מאין ליש בפועל ממש

for [G‑d’s knowledge] is verily its life-force and that which brings it into existence out of nothingness, in actual reality.

G‑d’s thought, unlike man’s, thus encompasses the actual subject of His thought — in this case, all created beings. It brings about their creation and continued existence, even though it does not descend to their level and become internalized within them, but remains in an exalted state.

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