Thank you for sharing your insight.


Rabbi Krasnianski, Thank you for sharing your insight. For me the first language is love and the sense of touch. The first kiss, the first kick o fmy child in the womb. The baby speaks to me by movement . Likes music , move a certian way. Doesn’t like kicks. The joy of first scream and holding the baby in my arms. Such joy. And so forth. When hearing the news of our sons death, feeling the pain, all I could do was scream. Wanted to die. Started a garden. To feel and smell the beauty of a rose. To sense infinity in the grain of sand and follow the changing season. That is the language of creation to me.. To see a rainbow in the the hose as I water the plants. So for me touch is the language of love. Speech gives definition to the experiences. Love speech thousands of words to me in one touch. I am glad you explained what is Holy About the the land of Israel. Makes sense. Once again, thank you. Karen

The Holy Epistle: Epistle 14 – Part 1 – video

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