ולזאת באתי מן המודיעים מודעה רבה לכללות אנ״ש
Accordingly, I am now making a weighty announcement to all the men of our [chassidic] fraternity,
על ריבוי החסדים אשר הגדיל ה׳ לעשות עמנו
regarding the multitude of favors,20 “the great things that G‑d has done with us.”
The attribute of Chesed (kindness) is also known by the name Gedulah (greatness), as in the verse21 which enumerates the Divine attributes, and which begins, לך ה׳ הגדולה והגבורה. Indeed, the term Gedulah connotes an even greater manifestation of Divine kindness than does Chesed. The Alter Rebbe therefore adds the phrase regarding “the great things that G‑d has done for us,” thereby indicating the extraordinary kindness G‑d had shown chassidim by releasing him.
לאחוז במדותיו של יעקב
[As a result of all these favors:] Hold on to the attributes of Jacob,
שאר עמו ושארית ישראל
[for Jews are known as]22 “the remnant of His people” and23 “the remainder of Israel”; a Jew possesses within himself the attributes described here as “remnants” and “remainder”,
שמשים עצמו כשיריים ומותרות ממש, שאין בו שום צורך
regarding himself truly as mere remnants,24 as something truly superfluous and dispensable.
לבלתי רום לבבם מאחיהם כו׳
Let [the men of our fraternity] not become haughty in relation to their brethren, i.e., their opponents, who caused the arrest of the Alter Rebbe.
ולא להרחיב עליהם פה, או לשרוק עליהם, חס ושלום
Let them not jeer nor whistle derisively at them, heaven forfend.
הס מלהזכיר, באזהרה נוראה
A strict warning: Hold your peace! Mention nothing!
רק להשפיל רוחם ולבם, במדת אמת ליעקב, מפני כל אדם
Rather, [the men of our chassidic fraternity] are to subdue their spirit and heart before every man according to the attribute of “truth unto Jacob,”25
בנמיכת רוח, ומענה רך משיב חימה, ורוח נכאה כו׳
with humility, with26 “a soft answer [that] turns away anger,” and with a restrained spirit.
וכולי האי ואולי יתן ה׳ בלב אחיהם, כמים הפנים וגו׳
And through all that,27 perhaps G‑d will put [a conciliatory and loving response] into the heart of their brethren, [for]28 “as waters [reflect] one’s face, [so too does the heart of one man reflect the heart of another].”
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1.See The Arrest and Liberation of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi by Rabbi Avraham Chanoch Glitzenstein, translated by Rabbi Jacob Immanuel Schochet (Kehot, N.Y., 1964). To this day, the Alter Rebbe’s release in 1798 is celebrated annually on 19-20 Kislev.
2.See Likkutei Sichot, Vol. I, p. 74.
3.See Or HaTorah, p. 367ff.
4.Bereishit 32:11.
5.Ibid. 28:15.
6.Ibid. 28:15.
7.“Based on Shabbat 32a.” ( — Note of the Rebbe.)
8.“See Chiddushei Aggadot, loc. cit.” ( — Note of the Rebbe.)
9.“Thus too in Bereishit Rabbah on this verse.” ( — Note of the Rebbe.)
10.“Cf. Chiddushei Aggadot, loc. cit.” ( — Note of the Rebbe.)
11.Tikkunei Zohar, Introduction II, s.v. Patach Eliyahu.
12.Shir HaShirim 2:6.
13.Cf. Yeshayauhu 7:11. The letters of the unusual Heb. verb והגבה are vocalized as follows: Shva, patach, shva, tzeirei, and patach for the final mapik hei.
14.Yirmeyahu 31:2.
15.Michah 7:20; Abraham personifies the attribute of Chesed.
16.Bereishit 18:27.
17.Ibid. 28:15.
18.Ibid. 32:11.
19.Berachot 4a.
20.Tehillim 126:3.
21.I Divrei HaYamim 29:11.
22.Yeshayahu 11:11.
23.Yirmeyahu 6:9; 31:6.
24.Rosh HaShanah 17a-b.
25.For the comment of the Rebbe Maharash on this stipulation of the Alter Rebbe, see HaYom Yom, p. 77.
26.Cf. Mishlei 15:1.
27.This final sentence was added by the Alter Rebbe at a later date; see HaYom Yom, loc. cit.
28.Mishlei 27:19.