We shall now learn what is necessary for the rectification of permitted words not spoken for the sake of heaven.
ועל דברים בטלים בהיתר, כגון עם הארץ שאינו יכול ללמוד
As for innocent idle chatter, such as in the case of an ignoramus who cannot study,
He who is able to study is constantly obligated to fulfill the commandment of studying Torah; for him idle chatter is prohibited. For the ignoramus, however, idle chatter may be permissible. But —
צריך לטהר נפשו מטומאה זו דקליפה זו על ידי גלגולה בכף הקלע, כמו שכתוב בזהר, פרשת בשלח דף נ״ט
he must have his soul cleansed from the impurity of this kelipah, through its being rolled in the “Hollow of a Sling,”6 as is stated in the Zohar, Parshat Beshallach, p. 59.
This punishment is described7 as “being slung from one end of the world to the other,” or “from Israel to other lands.” The meaning of this is that the soul is flung from one extreme to the other: First it is shown the truth and preciousness of holiness, and then it is “slung” into and reminded of the thoughts and words it experienced while in the physical world — a most painful experience for the soul.8
אבל לדיבורים אסורים, כמו ליצנות ולשון הרע וכיוצא בהם, שהן משלש קליפות הטמאות לגמרי
But with regard to forbidden speech, such as scoffing and slander and the like, which being prohibited stem from the three completely unclean kelipot,
אין כף הקלע לבדו מועיל לטהר ולהעביר טומאתו מהנפש
the “Hollow of a Sling” (alone) does not suffice to cleanse and remove the impurity of the soul,
רק צריכה לירד לגיהנם
but it (the soul) must descend into Gehinnom (Purgatory — which is a greater punishment and thus more effective in cleansing the soul).
וכן מי שאפשר לו לעסוק בתורה ועוסק בדברים בטלים
So, too, with one who is able to engage in the study of Torah, but occupies himself instead with idle chatter —
אין כף הקלע לבדו מועיל לנפשו למרקה ולזככה
the “Hollow of the Sling” alone cannot effectively scour and cleanse his soul,
רק עונשים חמורים שמענישים על ביטול תורה בפרטות
but it must receive the severe penalties which are meted out for neglect of the Torah in particular,
מלבד עונש הכללי לכל ביטול מצוות עשה מחמת עצלות, בגיהנם של שלג, כמבואר במקום אחר
apart from the general retribution for the neglect of positive commandments through indolence, namely the “Purgatory of Snow,” as is explained elsewhere.9
The purgatory (Gehinnom), where the soul is cleansed of the “stains” of sin so that it may enter Paradise to enjoy the radiance of G‑d’s glory, operates on the principle of “measure for measure,” i.e., punishment in kind. Thus sins of commission caused by the heat of passion and lust are cleansed in a “Gehinnom (nehar, lit., ”stream“) of Fire,” while sins of omission, due to indolence and coolness (i.e., lack of fervor), are cleansed in a “Gehinnom of Snow.”10
וכן העוסק בחכמות אומות העולם בכלל דברים בטלים יחשב לענין עון ביטול תורה, כמו שכתוב בהלכות תלמוד תורה
Occupying oneself with the sciences of the nations of the world is likewise included in the category of engaging in inconsequential matters insofar as the sin of neglecting the Torah is concerned, for in studying the sciences of the nations, too, one is guilty of neglecting Torah study, as is explained in the Laws of Torah Study.11
ועוד זאת, יתירה טומאתה של חכמת האומות על טומאת דברים בטלים
Moreover, the impurity of the science of the nations is greater than the impurity of idle speech;
שאינו מלביש ומטמא רק המדות מיסוד הרוח הקדוש שבנפשו האלקית
for the latter clothe and defile only the emotions [which emanate] from the holy element of ruach (Air) within his divine soul,
בטומאת קליפת נוגה שבדברים בטלים הבאים מיסוד הרוח הרע שבקליפה זו בנפשו הבהמית, כדלעיל
[by tainting them] with the impurity of kelipat nogah contained in idle speech (which is derived from the evil element of ruach (Air, which is one of the components) of this kelipah in his animal soul), as mentioned above.
The G‑dly soul and the animal soul are both composed of four spiritual “elements”: Fire, Air, Water and Earth. The emotions, such as love and fear, which one expresses in idle talk, emanate from the element of Air. Thus, idle speech defiles the emotional attributes of the divine soul, which emanate from the holy element of Air, by using them in the service of the animal soul’s element of Air, i.e., its emotional attributes — which are “impure”, since they derive from kelipat nogah.